Crm Jst 271 1st Edition Lecture 16 Current Lecture Ch 10 Force and Coercion 2 types deadly non deadly I Police Citizen Interactions a 2 prominent studies captured the context of police use of force i Reiss 1967 1 Reactive versus proactive a Responds with force vs initiates force ii Skyes and Brent 1983 1 Identified three methods of regulation a Definitional Imperative Coercive b Definitional How to regulate force c Imperative Order d Coercive Threat II National Estimates on Police Use of Force a The Police Public Contact Service PPCS i Developed by the BJS to assess police use of force 1 2008 survey estimated 40 million citizens had face to face contact with police 2 760 000 citizens had force used or threatened against them a Majority reported feeling force used against them was excessive ii In 2002 PPCS was combined with survey of inmates I local jails 1 Combination showed 1 7 of 45 7 million contacts involved force use of force a PPCS alone underestimates the use of force by police BJS bureau of justice statistics 5 of all police contact in 2008 used force III Learning to Use Force a Officers learn about the use of force in two ways i Formally through training ii Informally through officers on the job b Most officers are trained to use a continuum of force These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Mere presence ii Verbalization iii Command voice 1 Firm loud voice to get person to listen and understand seriousness of command iv Firm grips 1 Grab by arm to move does not bring about pain v Pain compliance 1 Twist arm behind back get person out of situation vi Impact techniques 1 Trained techniques for hitting 2 Swarm bunch of ppl attack one person vii Deadly force less than lethal pepper spray taser choke hold can be lethal IV Use of Force a Force can be used in a variety of ways so various areas of training are required of officers i Firearms ii OC spray iii Taser iv Self defense v Officer survival vi Flashlights vii Canines considered deadly weapon can shoot if life in danger self defense stop offensive action can shoot 2 times Usually don t remember 1st shot since adrenaline running and can still move trained to shoot in torso area or head torso big target head if not going down probably wearing body armor b Despite formal expectations about the use of force police culture also exhibits an informal influence c On occasion police use of force may conflict with various expectations or standards i Type 1 Conflicts with the community ii Type 2 Conflicts over policy iii Type 3 Conflicts between norms can t shoot fleeing felon V Inappropriate Force a The misuse of force comes in a variety of different forms but two common approaches to defining such misuse exist i Excessive force ii Police brutality 1 What is the difference between these two standards iii Extra legal police aggression as an alternative definition 1 Why is this preferable excessive can still be legal crosses over to brutal if continue once situation can be controlled extra legal take into account social surroundings age gender race religion VI Physical and Psychological Force in Police History a It is essential to note the different forms of force that have proved to be an issue over the years i Physical force ii Psychological force 1 Third Degree 2 Miranda v Arizona 1966 a Of what significance was this decision 3 Deception is still commonly used by police a What are some examples VII Frequency of Excessive Force and Brutality a Two important studies have captured how widespread extra legal police violence and aggression is i Barker 1986 studied the extent of police brutality 1 40 of the 43 officers surveyed used excessive force at times 2 Thought that sleeping on duty committing perjury and having sex on duty were more serious forms of deviant behavior ii Carter survey 95 officers 1 23 believed that excessive force was sometimes necessary 2 62 believe that an officer had the right to use excessive force in retaliation against anyone who used force against them iii Friederich 1980 1 Police used force in only about 5 of encounters 2 In about 67 of these encounters the force was considered to be excessive VIII Brutality in the 21st Century a Attention to the issue of police brutality continues in the 21 st century b Interestingly there are two opposing views on violence and police brutality i View 1 Brutality is a problem ii View 2 Brutality is not a problem 1 What arguments points are made by each of these camps people should listen to the police vs bad apples in department dept is bad police trained socialized to be racist and brutal IX Deadly Force a Police violence brutality is one issue but deadly force is another b Deadly force is defined as force used with the intent to cause great bodily injury or death c 3 categories required if extent of deadly force is to be determined i Category 1 Death ii Category 2 Injury iii Category 3 Non injury iv A 4th category relates to the total of times an officers fires his her weapon d A host of individual and situational factors have received attention from researchers interested in killings of citizens i Those killed by the police are disproportionately 1 Young male and African American ii Majority of victims posed real or imminent threat iii Off duty officers are heavily involved in such shooting as well iv African American officers are more likely to kill and to be killed 1 Due to their living in or being assigned to high crime areas more interactions with young male and African American more minority deaths due to stereotypes during encounters more resistant more force used e In addition to individual and situation influence other meaningful influences also exist i Environmental influences 1 Factors pertaining to the neighborhood community being policed a What are examples off this type of influence ii Departmental influences 1 Value policies practices of the department
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