BCHM 3050 1st Edition Lecture 35 Outline of Last Lecture I Position of Four Complexes in Cristae Membrane II Important Biomolecules Involved in Respiratory Electron Transport III Complex 1 IV Complex 2 V Complex 3 VI Complex 4 VII Reduction Potentials Along Electron Transport Chain VIII Poisons are Inhibitors of Respiratory Electron Transport Outline of Current Lecture I Alternate Oxidase in Plants II Aerobic Respiration ATP Synthesis III ATP Synthesis Terminology IV Three Sites in Electron Transport with Sufficient Energy Yield for ATP Synthesis V Stoichiometry of Respiratory Electron Transport Current Lecture I Alternate Oxidase in Plants a Skunk Cabbage smells due to heavy smell from sulfur b They have complex 1 and 2 but not complex 3 or 4 c CoQ gives enzymes directly to oxygen so we cannot inhibit this pathways with cyanide i They have an alternate oxidase d An alternate oxidase lesser ATP produce and the extra energy is lost as heat increase the temperature so these plants always feel warm These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute e Reoxidation of electron carriers f II Alternate oxidase have more volatile odors to attract insect pollinators less ATP and more heat released Aerobic Respiration ATP Synthesis a For every NADH that gives up its electrons harvest about 2 5 molecules of ATP b For every FADH2 that gives up its electrons harvest about 1 5 ATP molecules c In theory you should get 28 ATP molecules from the electron transport chain 10 x 2 5 2 x 1 5 plus 2 ATP from glycolysis plus 2 ATP from TCA 32 molecules of ATP from every glucose molecule synthesized i This is not always true usually a number between 25 and 30 III ATP Synthesis Terminology a Organic phosphate ADP ATP b Substrate level phosphorylation happens on an enzyme i Phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate kinase use substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis ii Succinal CoA synthetase does this in TCA c Oxidative phosphorylation oxidative process d Photophosphorylation Coupling of ATP synthesis to drive photosynthesis IV Three Sites in Electron Transport with Sufficient Energy Yield for ATP Synthesis a 1 NADH in the mitochondria becomes NAD accumulate 10 protons in the intermembrane space after gone through all 4 complexes b 1 FADH2 becomes FAD in complex 2 the succinate dehydrogenase complex accumulate 6 protons 4 from complex 3 and 2 from complex 4 c FAD does not go through complex 1 V Stoichiometry of Respiratory Electron Transport a After electron transfer increasing number of protons in the intermembrane space b As all the NADH and FADH2 continue protons continue to accumulate c About 104 protons in the intermembrane space for 1 molecule of glucose d Totals 8 NADH 80 protons 2 FADH2 12 protons 2 NADH from cytoplasm after glycolysis go through complex 2 3 and 4 not complex 1 2 x 6 protons 12 protons e 1 glucose 104 protons f NADH goes through complex 1 2 3 4 10 protons per 1 NADH g FADH2 goes through complex 2 3 4 6 protons per 1 FADH2
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