UMass Amherst NRC 225 - Conservation Leaders
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NRC 225 1st Edition Lecture 26 Worksheet 5 1 Conservation Leaders Mid to late 1800s conservation leaders start popping up Conservation became a movement in 1900 s with Gifford Pinchot Roosevelt George Perkins Marsh Man and Nature Only person at his time life journey education memory put things together Shakers Going about lives pursuing their philosophy into practice Quiet example of people thinking consciously about resources Doing what Marsh wanted all people to do What was one innovation they made in their use of wood for conservation Cut dead diseased and dying trees for furniture Thermal efficiency of home required less wood with invention of stone Use communal dwelling instead of all separate houses Gifford Pinchot and Roosevelt Pinchot says things and Roosevelt becomes president and listens CCC created by Roosevelt bilateral effect with employment and fixing the forests Every 1 enrollee 14 people benefited CCC was a New Deal program first one Joseph Cannon most powerful politician ever John Weeks Put Weeks Act into Congress to reforest national land to regulate stream flow to shut off all up stream problems All eastern mountain national forests are from Weeks Act Henry Graves Raphael Zon President Roosevelt s requested him Mapped out were trees should grow for Protection Forest Belt to stop dust bowl Wind break zone Roosevelt put CCC in those areas and got it under control Aldo Leopold His life s work brought him to the notion of the land ethic People and nature should live together Colonized the environmental movement many years after his death One of the founders of wildlife ecology and management Wangari Maathai Started greenbelt movement planted millions of trees Women planted trees Later became a political movement that helped overturn the dictator Started out being completely dismissed by Kenyan government and then realized These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute It was a social and political movement Won the Nobel Peace Prize first African women to receive it DON T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SIGRID OLSON 4 CCC Forest firefighting and tree planting Called Roosevelt s tree army Put camps against each other made them work faster Some of the CCC workers had never even had shoes gave them dignity 1 a day and 25 got sent home LEMs local experience men saw filers cooks had high skills Became teachers trainers and mentors to CCC enrollees 6 Disturbances Tree gets hit by lightning acute change Gap forms sunlight water reach forest floor and trees grow Whole area of white pine gets blown down by hurricane acute Brand new younger even aged forest Low intensity wildfire burns slowly against window trough ponderosa pine chronic Gap Dynamics Single Tree Selection lightning or cut down one tree 8 Object of thinning promoting growth of selected trees Improving economic value of forest 10 TRIAD Reserve not touched by humans Utilization managed a little by humans Extensively Managed humans manage for multiple benefits and values 11 High grading when loggers take trees for money and cut all dominant and codominant Trees dressed up by calling it diameter limit cut Tell you the suppress trees will grow in their place but they wont Opposite of forest management 12 Prepatory cut strengthen trees that will be seed trees Seed Cut open up largely areas reduce density of forest to get seed light water on floor Removal Cut13 Extra Credit Question 14 Fire Intensity Alters the effect the fire has on floor Crown fire acute Surface fire chronic Intensity can vary from not changing appearance to getting rid of all trees 15 Trees provide shade which changes water temp 10 15 degrees which increases oxygen Level the colder the water the more oxygen in it Water is warmer they need the oxygen Shade and temperature are key

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