Cms 357 1st Edition Lecture 12 Current Lecture I Defining Roles Common Characteristics of a Good Relationship A Compatibility couple agree on things they see as important when your demographic variables contrast you are more likely to get divorced these variables have to matter to the couple Religion food differences in socio economic B Conflict both partners need to recognize that the conflict is happening 1 should be recognized 2 should be acknowledged 3 should be dealt with calmly 4 even if you disagree make the person feel listened to 5 try and empathize with the other person and really listen show the other you understand II Dealing with Problems A Dimensions 1 Constructive Destructive 2 Active Passive B Type of Responses Active Destructive Exit you could physically exit actively do something to create distance Active Constructive Voice dissatisfied with the relationship you will express it you do something to actively improve the relationship this would be talking about the conflict Passive Destructive These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Passive Constructive Loyalty having a hard time at work but stay around being quiet is also an important response
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