URI KIN 123 - Guest Lecture on Drug Abuse
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KIN 123 1st Edition Lecture 8 Guest Speaker on Drugs Substance abuse vs Substance Dependence o Abuse Maladaptive patterns of drinking that leads to Failure to fulfill major role obligations work school Recurrent use in hazardous situations Legal problems Persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems o Dependence Maladaptive patterns of drinking that lead to Physiological dependence o As evidenced by Tolerance Withdrawal Compulsive use using even when you don t want to Substantial time spent obtaining consuming drugs Continued use despite knowledge of adverse effects o Most used and abused drugs on college campuses Marijuana Prescription drugs Cocaine heroin Date rape drug Steroids Crystal meth o Ingestion method of drugs Ingest eating or swallowing Inhale snort smoke Inject hypodermic needles Insert vaginally anally Absorb cream gel patch o Drug types Narcotics Stimulants Hallucinogens Depressants Cannabis o Marijuana Directly affects your brain heart lungs Brain These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o Nausea vomiting movement higher cognitive function appetite learning memory and stress peripheral sensation including pain Directly affects the part of your brain that controls learning and memory o Difficulty in listening and speaking o Impaired or reduced short term memory o Impaired or reduced comprehension o Impairments in perception problem solving and judgment It takes your brain 3 weeks to return to normal functioning after smoking pot Heart Increased heart rate Lungs Impaired lung function and bronchial irritation A pharmaceutical culture Factors that influence to rise of prescription drug abuse a pill for every ill False sense of safety and security Efficacy you take it and it works much more likely to take it again Easy availability from healthcare providers family friends and others Varied motivations for use i e to get high pain relief enhance cognition When does it become abuse They are taken by someone other than the patient for whom it was prescribed Taken in excess by the patient it is prescribed to Prescription drugs are now the first drug that most middle high school students use Most traded drugs on campus Ritalin Adderall OxyContin Xanax Benzodiazepines valium klonopine Cocaine Effects Stimulant increseases heart rate body temp Causes o Fear panic o Irritability o Anxiety o Insomnia o Unpredictable Don t mix with alcohol o They combine in the liver to form coca ethylene that intensifies cocaine s euphoric effects while increasing the risk of sudden death o o o Date rape drugs 50 different drugs being used Alcohol is 1 Rohypnol GHB can cause feelings like being incredibly drunk Ketamine can cause psychedelic effects I didn t drink that much but I feel like I drank a lot Your drink may taste salty gritty or different Loss of bladder and bowel control is a real indication that you have been spiked Crystal meth Long term effects Insomnia Confusion aggression Psychotic behavior o Paranoia auditory hallucinations Bath salts Family of drugs that all have main ingredient of MDPV Snorted smoked or ingested Behaviors Extreme hyper agitation and paranoia Heart rate blood pressure seizures are common Psychotic breaks and vivid terrifying hallucinations Extreme violence suicidality homicidally tearing themselves and others to pieces Hospitalized Bad combination No consistency in dosage One pack had 17 milligrams of MPVD one had 2 000 milligrams Other drugs eventually process through MDPV doesnt Additional notes from the reading Chapter 7 The Use and Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs Commonly abused drugs and their affects o Opioids Heroin opium morphine oxycodone codeine hydrocodone Relief of anxiety and pain euphoria lethargy apathy drowsiness confusion inability to concentrate nausea constipation respiratory depression o Central nervous system depressants Barbiturates benzodiazepines methaqualone GHB Reduced anxiety mood changes lowered inhibitions impaired muscle coordination reduced pulse rate drowsiness loss of consciousness respiratory depression o Central nervous system stimulants Amphetamine methamphetamine cocaine crack cocaine Ritalin Increased heart rate blood pressure metabolism increased mental alertness and energy nervousness insomnia impulsive behavior reduced appetite o Marijuana Euphoria slowed thinking and reaction time confusion anxiety impaired balance and coordination increased heart rate o Hallucinogens LSD Mescaline psilocybin ketamine PCP MDMA ecstasy Altered states of perception and feeling nausea increased heart rate blood pressure delirium impaired motor function numbness weakness o Inhalants Solvents aerosols nitrites anesthetics Stimulation loss of inhibition slurred speech loss of motor coordination loss of consciousness Treatment for drug dependence o Medication assisted treatment Can reduce the craving for the abused drug or block or oppose its effects o Treatment centers Short term and long term services Hospitalization detoxification counseling etc o Self help groups and peer counseling Alcoholics Anonymous AA and Narcotics Anonymous NA Follow a 12 step program Each member is paired with a sponsor to call on for advice or support if the temptation to relapse becomes overwhelming

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URI KIN 123 - Guest Lecture on Drug Abuse

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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