CRM JST 271 1st Edition Lecture 11 I II III IV V Results from Chicago a The CAPS program was evaluated by the city of Chicago 8 9 and 10 years after its implementation b Chicago PD was commended for its cooperation and interest in evaluation of the program c However problem solving was identified as a problem i Efforts to solve local priority issues were not effective ii The same problems existed year after year iii Beat meeting effectiveness declined iv Officers and active residents did not receive refresher training Lessons Learned from Madison and Chicago a Chicago used regular officers and supervisors in its prototype districts b Madison used personnel who were interested in the program c Higher level of education necessary d Each departments change came from a different source i Madison internal change ii Chicago external change Police Job Redesign a Traditional design of police jobs has been criticized b Research results on job redesign have found i Officers who value internal needs for personal growth and have a service orientation are more likely to benefit from community policing enriched job design ii More traditionally oriented officers who value extrinsic rewards likely will not benefit from a job redesign iii All officers appeared to benefit from a job redesign 1 Importantly a 2009 study identified importance of autonomy and feedback Changing Officer Performance Measures a It is critical that departments moving toward community policing requires incorporate community police values duties practices i Unfortunately little movement along these lines has been made ii One study found that over 400 agencies which adopted community policing were not statistically different along key lines Innovation a The development and use of new ideas and methods b Most important to successful innovation is effective and energetic leadership from the office of the chief c Second is that the chief must be able to motivate departmental personnel d Third the integrity of innovation must be defended e Fourth requirement for innovation is public support VI VII VIII CompStat as a change process a A 2010 study revealed that most of officers in a particular department misunderstood or misinterpreted the core intent of CompStat model b CompStat can be used as a managerial style Learning organizations and R D a Continuous improvement cannot be achieved without continuous learning b Learning organizations i Able to process what it has learned and adapt accordingly c Essential to create a research and development unit i What are the benefits of such a unit Police researcher partnerships a Allow departments to get involved in a research project without all the necessary expertise or budgetary constraints i Researchers on the other hand are able to have an impact on policy through their efforts b Unfortunately there are issues with these two entities effectively communicating and collaborating Ch 7 IX X XI Selection and development a A police department makes three selection decisions i Entry ii Reassignment iii Promotion b If high quality recruits are to be selected the process should be designed to screen in not screen out applicants i What is the difference Recruitment a The recruitment of qualified candidates is first step in selection b Of course a variety of recruitment methods exist i Newspaper ads ii Career fairs iii Internet c Programs to recruit young people also exist i What are these programs Recruitment targeting females and minorities a The recruitment of minorities and females is essential b A 2009 study revealed 5 findings about attracting such candidates i Only about 18 of agencies used a targeted recruitment strategy ii Annual recruiting budget and the number of applications iii Special entry conditions iv Starting pay had no impact on hiring v Higher education had no impact
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