UMass Amherst NRC 225 - Cannon
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NRC 225 1st Edition Lecture 15 Current Lecture The Weeks Act of 1911 Forest Conservation Back East Bring the issue of conservation to the east where the people and political power is 1911 Raphael Zon Of all the direct influences of the forest the influence upon the supply of water in streams and the regularity of their flow is the most important human in economy Barely knew English learned English in a few short years got doctorates at Yale Had a gift for language fluent in French German Russian Wrote Forests and Water in the Light of Scientific Investigation Second coming of Man and Nature Some of Raphael s findings 1 The total discharge of rivers depends upon climate 2 The regularity of flow depends upon the storage capacity of the watershed 3 Forests tend to equalize streamflow throughout the year 4 Forests retard snowmelt 5 Forests prevent erosion 6 Forests cannot prevent floods produced by exceptional precipitation but they can mitigate their destructiveness Henry S Graves Chief U S forest service 1910 1920 Forests on critical watersheds should be owned by the public for their protective value Only opposition was from Joseph Cannon Hon Joseph G Cannon Elected in 1873 Speaker of the House 1903 1911 Not one cent for scenery Regarded as most powerful political speaker of house ever 1858 associate of Abraham Lincoln Served until 1922 Feuded with Theodore Roosevelt loathed hated Referred to behind his back as the tyrant from Illinois John Weeks Developed the Weeks Act Progressive Republican but not as loud as Theodore Roosevelt Came from Massachusetts served the Navy Elected to Congress younger than most congressman U S senator of Massachusetts These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Secretary of Defense Weeks Graves and Zon all were for Conservation and butted heads with Cannon From the Weeks Act of 1911 The secretary of agriculture is hereby authorized and directed to examine locate and purchase such forested cut over or denuded lands within the watersheds of navigable streams as in his judgment may be necessary to the regulation of the flow of navigable streams or the production of timber Gave them authority to look at any place in U S and say there connected to major streams therefore its eligible for protection Allowed them to do this but they didn t give them any money Henry Graves worked for U S Forest from 1910 1920 note time of Weeks act Cannon worked from 1903 1911 wasn t reelected note time of Weeks Act

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