CSU NR 150 - Surface Currents are Driven by Wind

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NR 150 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I The atmosphere and the ocean interact with each other II The solar heating of Earth varies with latitude III The solar heating of Earth also varies with seasons IV Earth s uneven solar heating results in large scale atmospheric circulation V Surface currents are driven by wind Outline of Current Lecture I Surface currents are driven by wind Current Lecture I Surface currents are driven by wind a 10 of the ocean water involved in surface currents b Water flowing horizontally in the uppermost 400 meters c Above the pycnocline d Gyres circuit of mid latitude currents around the periphery of an ocean basin e ITCZ and monsoons i The ITCZ moves farther away from the equator during the Northern summer than the Southern one due to the North heavy arrangement of the continents ii Monsoon a pattern of wind circulation that changes with the season generally cause the area to have wet summers and dry winters f Storms variations in large scale atmospheric circulation i Can form between two air masses frontal storms or within one air mass tropical cyclones g Hurricanes i In the northern hemisphere they rotate counterclockwise These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Alphabetically named list repeats every 6 years iii Unusually large and damaging hurricanes names are retired for at least 10 years iv Hurricanes are considered large tropical cyclones v Hurricane damage 1 Storm surge a 3 feet one meter for a category 1 storm to over 19 6 meters of storm surge for a category 5 storm b Hundreds of thousands of deaths in countries such as Bangladesh have been caused by the storm surge of cyclones 2 Wind damage high wind speeds more than 74mph or 119 km h 3 Freshwater flooding a Heavy rain over a widespread area in a short period of time b Swells rivers and streams causing hurricane induced flooding h Cyclones Northern and Southern Hemispheres i In the Northern hemisphere spins counterclockwise ii In the Southern hemisphere spins clockwise iii Tropical cyclones great masses of warm humid rotating air extremely rare in the equatorial South Atlantic

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CSU NR 150 - Surface Currents are Driven by Wind

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