JOURN 3000 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Ads Outline of Current Lecture I African American Press Current Lecture African American Press Freedom s Journal First notable African American paper launched 1827 Edited by Samuel Cornish and John Russwurm Intended readership 150 000 free African Americans in the North To plead our own cause Four stated concerns employment education religious liberty citizenship rights Six penny press promulgates stereotypes Only 800 subscribers Paper torn by colonization issue Folds after two year run replaced by Rights of All Other titles Weekly Advocate Mystery The Colored American Supported by societies Magazines These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Mirror of Liberty The Colored American Walker s Appeal Pamphlet published in 1829 Strong condemnation of slavery call for immediate emancipation active resistance Alarmed many in the South elsewhere Papers are anti slavery but also include news opinion essays literary pieces and sermons Items on marriages deaths etc Profiles of exemplary African Americans Papers faced substantial economic constraints indifference in the North
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