JOURN 3000 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Changes in printing Outline of Current Lecture I Penny Press Current Lecture Penny Press New York Tribune Founded by Horace Greeley in 1841 Greeley a Whig but serves the common people advocate of beneficent capitalism but also a student of socialism Believed his paper should promote culture stimulate ideas Less circulation than the Herald and Sun Tribune produced a highly popular weekly edition The penny paper model spreads Philadelphia Daily Transcript 1835 Boston Daily Times 1836 Baltimore Sun 1837 New Orleans Picayune 1837 New York Times 1851 Organization These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Staff includes reporters Gathering information transmission competition Paper divided into pages sports money reviews etc Street distribution system Distribution system to countryside Clerks handle advertisements subscriptions Organizational growth of the newspaper Henceforth a huge investment required Industrial production of the newspaper Role Conceptions Entertain readers provide vicarious thrill Inform Mirror reader interests Challenge elites Serve populist cause Serve large audience Make money Telegraph invented in 1837 New York dailies cooperate in news gathering in 1846 New York Harbor News Association forms in 1848 Five New York dailies pool resources to gather send news via telegraph 1849 Seven papers form control the Associated Press Sold news to other papers in Boston Philadelphia Baltimore the South Press Associations AP negotiates preferred treatment rates for member papers with Western Union AP form deals with foreign news agencies AP criticized for monopoly conditions Marketplace of Ideas Economic barriers to entry Economic competition based on speed Anti competitive efforts via press associations Some publishers push a populist agenda rights of middle and working classes Economies of scale shift contours of the marketplace of ideas
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