CU-Boulder GEOG 2412 - Geography Final Flashcards

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Geography Final Study online at quizlet com jaxsx 1 2 3 4 5 6 1st and 2nd contradictions of capitalism Agroforestry Approaches too Food Choices Arguments for and against GMO s Barriers to and problems of REDD implementation bottled water and its environmental costs the tendency of capitalism to eventually undermine the ECONOMIC conditions for it s own perpetuation through overproduction of commodities reduction of wages of workers who are also the consumers e t c 1st contradiction the ENVIRONMENTAL conditions for it s own perpetuation like the degredation of natural resources and damage to workers health 2nd these 2 things lead to resistance and possible establishment of a new economy Combination of trees and agriculture Ex shade grown coffee vs plantation grown coffee sun grown coffee risk perception we know it s bad but keep consuming o negative consequences unsure and in the future so actions aren t taken access to food no real choices in what we consume food desert low income neighborhoods more likely to have fast food and less grocery stores political economy uneven distribution of healthy food in space marketing accumulation and spatial fix FOR 1 Eliminating famine 2 Health arguments higher nutrition levels more resistance too pests deceases 3 Environmental arguments less pesticide use and soil erosion AGAINST 1 Ecocentric ethics degrading the intrinsic value of nature 2 Human health and safety unknown effects 3 Ecosystem health less biodiversity harmful to other organisms 4 Lack off access to intellectual property 5 too much cooperate control may cause less biodiversity Baseline data difficult Permanence time scale Additionality Perverse incentives Leakage Doesn t address underlying driver of deforestation Every water bottle consumed propels carbon into the atmosphere Transportation of the product adds to the carbon cycle Life cycle of a water bottle typical ends up in a landfill bottled water and its environmental costs Every water bottle consumed propels carbon into the atmosphere Overproduction of plastic water bottles Capitalism what is it when commodities goods and services are owned by private owners for profit no longer owned communally or by the state Chipko movement Indian region of Uttaranchal in 1970s Local villagers wrapped themselves around trees marked for destruction Paved the way for more widespread political action curbing contractor and state abuses of traditional community lands climax vegetation The theoretical assemblage of plants arising from succession over time determined by climatic and soil conditions Columbian Exchange history of potato The movement of species across the Atlantic Ocean from the New World to the Old World and vice versa resulting in ecological transformations POTATOE south America Ireland north America by missionaries to make native americans settle into agriculture and ultimately become christians conservation tillage Less soil erosion argument for GMO s Crisis what causes it crisis is caused in the capitalist system because undermining and damaging the economic or environmental conditions contradictions of capitalism overproduction and underconsumption Different types of scarcity hydrological techno economic perceptual 15 Discourse A root written and spoken communication thicker deployments of the term acknowledge that statements and texts are not mere representations of the material world but rather power embedded constructions that make the world we live in 16 disturbance An event or shock that disrupts an ecological system thereafter leading to recovery of that system or movement of the system into a new state 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Enclosure movement Enclosure Law of England privatized communal areas and forests and therefore pushed many independent shareholders off the land Essential building block of capitalism because it not only allowed a select group of people to own and control the means and conditions of production but it also took away the ability for people to feed themselves independently Environmental Kuznets curve Based in the theory that income inequality will increase during economic development and decrease after reaching a state of overall affluence this theory predicts that environmental impacts rise during development only to fall after the economy matures Ethnobotany Movie Shaman s Apprentice A documentary about tribes in the amazon who have become complex chemists to survive They utilize plants in every part of their life The shaman is the spirutual leader with the chemist knowledge and they are in danger of extinction scientific study of the relationship between cultures and plants examples of environmental discourse national parks seen as more natural then farms wolves seen as a representation of wilderness while dogs cats koallas pandas are not Forrest Transition Theory A model that predicts a period of deforestation in a region during development when the forest is a resource or the land is cleared for agriculture followed by a return of forest when the economy changes and the population migrates and or becomes conservationorientated Frederick Clements American plant ecologist who studied vegetation succession Green Revolution a large increase in crop production in developing countries achieved by the use of fertilizers pesticides and high yield crop varieties How capital tries to overcome crisis planned obsolescence spatial fix outsourcing disciplining labor 25 26 27 28 How do the approaches apply to CO2 Institution and the Commons approach would stress achieving international cooperation through careful comprimise and rules to solve the problem Markets and Commodities approach stresses that we should use green consumption and transferrable rights and policies Political Economy approach would say that the inherent limits and problems to carbon reduction solutions such as redd show that the problem is ultimately rooted in the economy itself How do the approaches apply to French Fries A Risk approach would stress the effect of french fries on the human body with the way it is produced now What we put in our bodies depends on the negative consequences we assosiate with certain foods These associations are influenced by society and the profuduction of scientific knowledge Political economy approach says that french fries are an example of how food choice is not always an an individual choice It is influneced by a broader political economic process that dictates the production and

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CU-Boulder GEOG 2412 - Geography Final Flashcards

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