URI KIN 123 - Contraception
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KIN 123 1st Edition Lecture 5 Contraception Definition o Conception the fusion of an ovum and sperm that creates a fertilized egg or zygote o Contraception contra against blocking conception through the use of a device or method Modern contraception methods are much more predictable and effective than inthe past many contraceptive products play a role in the prevention against sexuallytransmitted diseases In class Brain storm methods of contraception condoms Birth control pill diaphragm ring Spermicide IUD Norplant Patch Shot every three months depo provera abstinence dental dams Morning after pill Tubes tied Vasectomy Cervical cap Advantage They help protect against pregnancy Disadvantage Most contraceptives are expensive to get and maintain Methods of Contraception Barrier method anything that physical blocks o male Condom o The sponge w spermicide block and kill sperm o Diaphragm block entrance into o Cervical cap o Female condom Hormonal methods prevent pregnancy by hormonal methods o Birth control pill Oral contraceptives o Nuva ring the ring works like pill except stays in for 3 weeks then is taken out the last week of the month o Morning after pill Plan B o The depo provera shot o The patch These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Surgical methods o Tubes tied o Vasectomy Natural methods o Withdrawal pull out o Abstinence o Following menstrual cycle Factors affecting choice Advantages and disadvantages o Effectiveness Contraceptive failure rate Continuation rate o Convenience o Cost o Reversibility o Side effects and risks o Protection against STDs Emergency Contraception Postcoital pill morning after pill Plan B Plan B One Step Next Choice o Newer products now more common and effective with fewer side effects than older methods o Prevents fertilization does not affect an already fertilized egg o Best used within 24 hours o Plan B Plan B One Step and Next Choice available as OTCs for those 17 and older Before Next Class Begin reading Chapter 5

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