CMS 357 1st Edition Lecture 5 I SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY A Components of social exchange a Economic theory of relationships b Explain ways that people give and receive intimacy in their close relationships c Basic idea is that the way you feel about your close relationships depends partly on your ability to maximize your rewards and minimize your cost i Types of rewards love security economic emotional support financial support instrumental support network support ii Cost burden and stress to meet expectations responsibility time commitment embarrassing massive conflict d Comparison Level are your expectations i What you expect those relationships to be like what does mine look like in comparison compare your ideal and expectations and do they live up to that Families should be supportive should provide some financial support e Comparison level for alternatives i What alternatives can you get ii Here are the relationships I think I can get it is what my alternatives are iii Example I think romantic relationships are supportive and relatively satisfying but I don t think I can get one of those relationships iv These levels may match but may not v This is perceived by social exchange theory affected by certain circumstances in Alaska you don t have many alternatives than if you were a guy living in NYC with many alternative partners but you could perceive you had a lot since you are great influence by what is around you vi Based on self esteem vii In family situations completely different than when dealing with friendships B Investments a How much you put into the relationships Time Emotions Moneyinfluence how you feel about the relationships b How Social Exchange Works i Equation 1 Rewards cost outcomes good minus the bad is the outcome ii Equation 2 Outcomes comparison level satisfaction iii Equation 3 Satisfaction Comparison Level for Alternatives Investment Commitment You put in investment you feel like you put a lot into it so you might be more committed If you don t think you have a lot of alternatives you may be more committed even if you are not that happy iv You could have a good family from everyone else s perspective but to you you have higher expectations HIGH CL and HIGH ClaLt did not expect it and you would leave LOW CL and High CLALT expected it and will leave High CL and Low CLalt did not expect and stay in relationships Low CL and Low CLalt expected it and does not leave C Meanings of Intimacy a Explains how came you keep investing in the family A Self Disclosure you get more intimate the more you disclose to the other person relationships get more close and intimate the more personal information that is exchanged peel back the onion to create more intimate relationship 1 Gender i varies based on gender overall women disclose more than men women disclose more negative ii first date men do more selfdisclosure than women 2 Partner relationships disclosure generally is positive related to satisfaction the happier you you will disclose more you feel comfortable and secure to take the risk 3 Unhappy couples do disclose but most of the time are negative emotions 4 Dual career couples tend do more selfdisclosure more to talk about in general don t disclose because someone might think the partner might not understand nor care 5 Married women disclose more to their friends than married men do men are less likely to talk to their guy friends about intimate things men discuss most of their intimate feelings with their wife
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