CRM JST 271 1st Edition Lecture 2 I Police in a Democracy a Democracy consensus freedom participation equality b Policing regulation regulation restriction and most importantly authority i Democracy is always hard on the police II Democratic policing a Executive branch the enforcement of laws b Legislative branch law creation appropriating funding c Judicial branch processing of offenders interpretation of laws d Political decision making includes both pluralistic and elitist perspectives i pluralistic perspective police are a benign institution that helps implement laws that result from political contests ii elitist perspective police exist to protect the powerful and repress everyone else e the exercise of power however is based on the rule of law III Democracy and the Rule of Law a Civil laws concerned with relationships between individuals b Criminal laws concerned with the relationship between the individual and government c Substantive law identify behavior either required or prohibited d Procedural law govern how the police enforce the substantive laws e Case law written rulings of appellate courts Constitutional Amendments IV a 4th 5th 6th 8th and 14th are important to the police process b Right to a speedy trial in WI i Aim for less than 90 days ii Less than 9 months for misdemeanors iii 9 12 months for felonies V Policing Terrorism and Homeland Security a Impact of 9 11 2001 b Priorities counterterrorism and homeland security USA Patriot Act i Increased collaboration between agencies across different levels ii Federal agencies pushed the forefront of law enforcement These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute VI Organizational Structure a 18 000 public police agencies in the U S i There are an average of 360 agencies per state b Over 60 federal agencies with enforcement or investigative powers c Municipal police most common type of agency d 837 000 sworn law enforcement officers nationwide i 74 of these are employed by local VII Other Law Enforcement Agencies a Task forces b Contract law enforcement c Special jurisdiction police d Regional police e Consolidated agencies f Public safety agencies g Tribal police VIII Local Police a Employs the most employees b Cost the most amount of money c Deal mostly with reported crime d Have a closer relationship with the citizens IX Federal Police a Mainly investigative X Police Role and Purpose a Expectations and how do these affect policing i Individual ii Community iii Organizational iv Legal XI Politics a Community Policing model responsive without preferential treatment b Legalistic or Reform Professional model structural bureaucratic relationship c Political model preferential treatment discrimination XII Crime Fighting vs Social Service a Debate surrounding the question of whether the police should fight crime or provide social services i Answer to this impacts policing in a variety of important ways how do views officers with a crime fighter mentality differ from those with social service mentality ii Importantly officers don t fall in just one of the categories XIII Proactive vs Reactive a Proactive emphasizes police initiated activities b Reactive emphasizes responses to call for assistance c Which is more compatible with a democracy XIV Police Activity and Workload a Four categories for workload first two make up 40 50 of police workload while the latter two make up 50 60 of police workload i Crime Control ii Law Enforcement iii Order Maintenance iv Service
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