JOURN 201 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Guest Speaker Prof Baughman Outline of Current Lecture I History of Journalism continued II Review III Early American Support for Press IV Modern Journalism V The Progressive Era 1890s 1920s Current Lecture VI VII History of Journalism continued a Friday Baughman b What was Baughman s main argument for why we should understand the partisan press i Encouraged political involvement ii We seem to be engaged in a partisan period again therefore we need to understand the consequences it might have Review a The Press American Independence review i The stamp act 1765 ii Taxation w o representation iii Royal stamp b The press in somewhat oppositional to authority i This act pushes printers toward revolutionary goals ii Print ideas for revolution from Britain c Press in the Revolution 3 roles i Key Publications 1 Common sense by Thomas Paine 1776 a Articulated the case for an independent republic 50 000 copies more copies that most articles ii Connected the colonies 1 Receiving the same information and could work together iii Developed sense of solidarity nationhood sense of value of a press independent of government 1 Such a large distance could be bridged gave them an identity These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute VIII IX X Early American Support for Press a Conception of citizen and democracy b Constitution protection i Freedom of the press c Postal subsidies i Postal Service Act 1795 ii 8700 people 75 of all federal workers supported newspapers iii Gigantic investment d Education and Literacy i Major commitment involved the founders ii Land grants e By early 1800 s i Growth of printing explodes after revolution ii U S has more newspapers per capital than anyone anywhere else iii Highest literacy rates in the world 1 Less than 10 signatures illiteracy by 1790 closing gap between men and women Modern Journalism a Connecting some dots i From the founders to the partisan press ii From the partisan press to now b Rise of the Partisan Press i The founders hated faction and parties c The party press connection i 1820 1890 ii It was not that the press turned partisan rather parties and the press evolved together 1 Spread information and allow people to form ideas and convince them of ideas d Newspapers as party tools i Informing public of party platforms ii Urging support of party and policies iii Turning out the vote engagement e What reasons did Baughman give for the end of the partisan press i Commercial interest so they didn t need money from political parties any more writing more neutral would appeal to a wider audience cold war caused parties to tone down their attacks The Progressive Era 1890s 1920s a Widespread social and political reforms i In response to 1 Gilded age 2 Machine politics 3 Patronage 4 Corruption b Scientific Rationality i Sense that through scientific investigation and reason trained practitioners can reach objective truth ii This involved 1 Scientists 2 Bureaucrats 3 Journalists c Journalism in Progressive Era i With increasing influence and power a need for training professionalism accountability ii Establishment of 1 Norms and practices and official journalism schools
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