UIUC MCB 450 - Introduction to Biochemistry

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MCB 450 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I The Unity of Biochemistry II Carbon Compounds Stereochemistry III Functional Groups IV Types of Biological Molecules V Central Dogma VI Domains of Life VII Cellular Organization Current Lecture The unity of biochemistry Organisms are remarkably uniform at the molecular level The Elements of Life Human beings are mostly made up of hydrogen oxygen and carbon Which is unlike the elements that are largely found in the Earth s crust Biomolecules Proteins nucleic acids lipids and carbohydrates Covalent bonds Make bonds to become more stable Carbon very important when discussing covalent bonds Cis Trans configurations Cis same side Trans opposite sides Chiral molecules Chiral cannot be rotated and superimposed on its mirror image Use D and L system to name stereoisomers and chiral molecues Amino acids in proteins are named using the L system Conformation Rotation around a carbon atom is usually pretty easy but bulkier groups can limit this rotation and limit the number of conformations Functional Groups Groups of atoms with distinct chemical properties that makeup larger molecules o Will help determine the properties of the molecule that it is present in Molecular components of an E coli cell Largest component of the cell is water The four classes of biological molcules These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute When the monomers of proteins carbohydrates nucleic acids are combined water is eliminated o Ex glycosidic bond Proteins are versatile biomolecules Catalyst speed up reaction Use of proteins is prevalent in the body Carbohydrates Very important fuel source for life o Ex glucose Glycogen storage form of glucose found in animals Lipids Much smaller than proteins or nucleic acids Dual nature hydrophilic or hydrophobic o This quality allows them to assemble into membranes Nucleic Acids Base A adenine Base T Thymine Base G guanine Base C cytosine Base U Uracil Nucleotides are made up of a phosphate group sugar and a base Central Dogma Developed by Crick Information goes from DNA to RNA and then to protein o Involves transcription and translation RNA polymerase catalyzes transcription Domains of Life Bacteria Eukarya and Archaea Either prokaryote or eukaryote Prokaryote no nucleus or organelles Mammalian cell no cell wall present Lysosome garbage can of cell recycles

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UIUC MCB 450 - Introduction to Biochemistry

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