JOURN 3000 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Historical explanation Outline of Current Lecture I Pre history Current Lecture Culture of reception emerging notions of popular sovereignty Literacy clubs coffee shops etc Forerunners of newspapers Pamphlets Broadsides Diurnals News books News sheets Essay papers Readings What is the marketplace of ideas concept What seems to have been the appeal of the marketplace of ideas argument What are the metaphors for the marketplace concept used in this chapter How did the marketplace of ideas concept shift around the time of the Revolutionary War Why did the leaders of American revolutionary thought believe the press to be so important What did printers envision their papers providing to readers These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Marketplace of ideas Libertarian conception Truth naturally overcomes falsehood when they are allowed to compete Competing voices produce superior conclusions Even errors make the truth more radiant Voices should not be excluded from the marketplace lest the truth be suppressed Libel is the main exception Alternative conceptions Milton s Areopagitica Antinomianism Defense of free expression opposition to censorship licensing Moral limits to the marketplace of ideas no prior restraint but sympathetic to subsequent action Advocates exclusion of some ideas because some people are susceptible to falsehoods or because vicious persons will corrupt others Republicanism Public opinion must be formed via virtuous leaders including the press Newspapers function as a town hall Freedom is only good when intelligent independent virtuous citizens maintain social order Press expected to promote truth Thomas Jefferson What is TJ s argument Public opinion is government
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