SYLLABUS BS161 Section 003 Spring 2015 INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY CELLS AND MOLECULES Please consult this document for policies concerning grading exams including missed exams and other administrative details before emailing the instructors or TAs with questions that are already addressed here LECTURE TIME AND PLACE Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 00 2 20 p m 102 Conrad Hall Please allow sufficient time in your schedule for transit to from class COURSE INSTRUCTORS GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANTS GTAs OFFICE HOURS Attendance at office hours is strongly encouraged Dr Katherine Osteryoung Instructor osteryou msu edu Office Room 339 Plant Biology Office hours Thursday 3 4 45 pm or by appointment Dr Curtis Wilkerson Instructor wilker13 msu edu Office Room S124 Plant Biology Office hours Wednesday 9 10 30 am and Friday 9 10 am or by appointment Jonathan Markey GTA markeyjo msu edu Office 264A Plant Biology Office hours Tuesday 3 4 pm and Thursday 10 11am or by appointment Anne Sonnenschein GTA sonnens2 msu edu Office 19 North Kedzie Office hours Monday 9 11am or by appointment EMAIL Please include BS161 in the subject line when sending email Email correspondence should be directed as follows Jonathan Markey Questions on i Clickers D2L CONNECT and other technical issues course mechanics including grades and exam related issues course content Anne Sonnenschein Questions on CONNECT course content Drs Osteryoung and Wilkerson Questions on course content unusual problems or of a personal nature COURSE WEBSITE Desire2Learn D2L https d2l msu edu You must have an MSUNet ID and password to access this website This syllabus the lecture schedule announcements lecture notes homework assignments study guides web links and other important information will be posted here Be sure to check the website and your email daily for new information Neglecting to do so will not be considered an excuse for missing an important announcement COURSE DESCRIPTION BS161 covers the key cellular and subcellular processes underlying the activity of living systems Topics include the structure function and synthesis of macromolecules the cellular generation and use of energy the replication transmission and expression of genetic information in the cell s life cycle and the responses of cells to internal and external stimuli Examples will be taken from organisms ranging from bacteria to plants and animals The primary goals of the course are 1 to provide you the student with an exposure to and appreciation of the context of basic biological processes required for life and 2 to prepare you for more advanced coursework and or self directed study in biology biotechnology and related areas PREREQUISITES CEM 141 or CEM 151 or LBS 171 or CEM 181H or equivalent These may be taken concurrently 1 REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS Textbook Understanding Biology by Kenneth Mason et al McGraw Hill Bookstore option most expensive Custom Text BS161 BS162 with Connect Plus 4 Year Access Card ISBN 9781259406690 All Digital Option recommended least expensive 60 00 You will be using the e book in order to complete the pre lecture LearnSmart assignments Note that you can decide to add the loose leaf book after you have purchased the digital option for 45 On line Homework and Smartbook Website McGraw Hill Connect Plus We have posted detailed directions on how to register for your online homework below and on D2L If you have purchased a text from the bookstore it comes with a four year access code Connect Plus URL http connect mheducation com class k osteryoung osteryoung wilkerson spring 2015bs161 1 Go to the website shown above 2 Click the Register Now button 3 Enter your email address 4 Enter your access code if you purchases a textbook or select buy online can start courtesy access 5 Complete the registration form and click Submit Required i Clickers You must purchase the clicker and bring it to every class session Clickers will be used for both quizzes and in class extra credit clicker questions Please read the following Can I use a different brand clicker No Both i Clicker 1 and i Clicker 2 are acceptable Do I have to buy a different i Clicker for my other class No Use one i Clicker for all your i Clicker classes Will I lose points if I don t bring it the first day No But you must have it by the second day Is it cheating for my friend to bring my clicker on days I skip Absolutely See MSU s academic integrity policy Clickers must be registered online See instructions on pg 7 of this document It is your responsibility to bring your clicker to class each day if you forget you cannot receive extra credit points for that day You must use only your own clicker COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completing BS 161 successful students will be able to do the following Describe diagram and give examples and functions of the major categories of biologically important molecules including Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids and Nucleic Acids recognize typical structures such as monomers and important chemical functional groups describe the characteristic bonds formed between subunits distinguish between categories on basis of elemental composition monomer structure chemical functional groups and functions Make predictions about the cellular functions of these molecules based on the chemical properties of these molecules Identify common structural components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and describe their functions and interactions Describe the central importance of proteins and show how protein shape is determined by primary structure and how protein shape is critical to functional interactions especially as illustrated by enzyme substrate interactions protein binding to other molecules Give examples of cellular functions that require energy describe the common sources of this energy and describe the ways that cells acquire and transform this energy with special emphasis on glycolysis cellular respiration fermentation and photosynthesis 2 Show how cells reproduce including how the processes of the cell cycle and its control mechanisms assure accurate transmission of hereditary information Describe and show examples of how genetic information is expressed as gene products and how these gene products affect the functions of cells and organisms Describe mechanisms for differential expression of genetic information Describe mechanisms by which cells can communicate with other cells and examples of how this communication can affect the activities or processes within the receiving cell
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