IUB TEL-T 205 - Final Exam Study Guide

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TEL T205 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Oct 27 Advertising 1 a When does liking of the ad matter Only matters in one specific context when the brand is unknown and not something we have dealt with before If we like the ad more it ll have a more positive effect on us b In terms of likability what kinds of ads get attention Ads with sexual content or celebrity endorsers generally tend to draw attention c Are dislikable ads beneficial Why They can be because although you do not like the information that is being conveyed the ideas still get in your mind and you will subconsciously think about the messages 2 a What does sexual content in ads do b How does attention work with sexual content Memory of a product subject is going to be lower if sexual content is in the commercial because it distracts us from the product Although it will get the attention of heterosexual males and females it will alienate them and places the product in the out group which they are not part of 3 a What is the elaboration likelihood model b What are the two routes There are two routes refers to how much a product means affect us Persuasion for both of these routes will be dictated by different things It matters for the peripheral route that we listen to what attractive people say credibility and argument strength don t matter Low involvement processing that occurs 4 a What are consequences of effective advertising b Are children s ads deceptive Why Sifts our needs and goals convince us that engaging in certain behaviors will allow us to reach our goals Yes children s ads are deceptive because children aren t at the age yet to realize what is going on around them Children from the ages of 0 2 don t think about the why just notice the things around them and doesn t make inferences Oct 29 Nov 3 Nov 5 Children in the Media 1 a Why treat children as a special audience The impact of developmental differences such as increased vulnerability the case of the day after and the case of baby einstein shows have a prosocial effect on young children b What is Piaget s theory of cognitive development It is a comprehensive theory about the nature and development of human intelligence c What are the stages of Piaget s theory of cognitive development Sensorimotor stage 0 2 years Preoperational stage 2 7 years Concrete operational stage 7 12 years and Formal operational stage 12 years d How could media affect children in the sensorimotor stage They don t think about the why just notice the things around them and doesn t make inferences Think everything they see in media is real e What does the lack in cognitive development in children mean in terms of emotional maturation Lack of cognitive development affects appropriateness of reactions 2 a What are the stages of moral development Preconventional Conventional Postconventional b During which stage in children s moral development do they develop a conscious Conventional c How does our moral development guide us in terms of media messages Helps us distinguish between truth and lies d During which stage in our moral development are we able to think abstractly Postconventional 3 a Can you name an example of the government trying to protect children from negative TV content Host selling which is when you could not have children s shows to sell products Now you can not have a commercial for a product during that specific products show No transformers commercials during the show Advertising restrictions during childrens content b What was included in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 related to children s media use The Telecommunications Act of 1996 limited the amount of advertising time during children s television shows banned host selling and mandated bumpers c Can you name the two ways in which regulations try to protect children from negative practices in advertising From unfair ads practices limiting advertising time banning host selling and mandating bumpers d When re examining the case for special treatment does one s age influence their ability to reason morally Yes ones age effects ability to reason morally e Name and explain the four natural abilities related to media literacy Field Independancy Crystalline Intelligence Fluid Intelligence Conceptual Differentiation 4 a What does the case of the miniseries The Day After reveal about differences between viewers of different ages Public thought it would scare children but children were not affected because they could not process the thrill ended up scaring teenagers more because they were able to process the scariness 5 a What are the two goals of the ratings system To put the responsibility in the hands of the adults caregivers and out of the hands of the producers The other goal is to give producers creative freedom and the parents have the right to censorship b Who determines the ratings for movies tv and video games Committee of parents who have some tie to the industry c What are the issues with the ratings system Consistency accuracy knowledge relevance forbidden fruit theory and self censorship d What is a possible alternative to it Stop using age based rating it is pointless and irrelevant 6 a How do Sesame Street and preschool relate to one another The show s intentions were to be like a preschool and to teach underprivileged children things they would learn in school b What are some of the benefits of Sesame Street Children who watched SS picked up reading math skills quicker c Do parents play a role in its effectiveness How Yes they say if the parents are watching with the child the child gets much more out of the program if the parent is with them This idea is called scaffolding Nov 5 Nov 10 Media Violence Effects 1 a How do we define aggression Hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another readiness to attack or confront b What is the third person effect predicts that people tend to perceive that mass communicated media messages have a greater effect on others than on themselves based on personal biases additionally because of this perception people tend to take action to counteract the messages influence c What is the precursor to almost all human aggression Provocation d Why does the amount of aggressive behavior decrease as we get older Able to evaluate our responses have inhibition perspective taking 2 a Explain the accumulation of evidence about media violence over the years Surveys Longitudinal Studies Lab Experiments Field Experiments risk resilience models b What is Disinhibition Lack of

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