CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - After Art - Day Two
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FILM 3660 1st Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture December 5 2014 Recitation Notes 1 After Art David Joselilt 2 The Ethno Commodity 3 Architecture 4 Sherrie Levine Postcard Collage 4 Outline of Current Lecture December 8 2014 I After Art Current Lecture 1 After Art Dedifferentiation The difference between a building and a site the collapse between them causes them to be blended Greg Lynn Embryological House Folding the way buildings are organic forms of emergence they emerge under two kinds of pressure o Environmental pressures of the site o Location of the atmosphere o Internal and external forces A Blob a surface undergoing intensification and relaxation Autonomous separate continuous field 2 Foreign Office Architects Yokohama International Port Terminal this is a worked surface or a ribbon connecting different levels without using steps or stairs A free flow ramp and continuous ramp up and down Differential Field Columns architects strive to create a space without pre packaged forms A program that will develop organically and have densification you have to use materials in more or less densities due to what they are used for Ex Columns are dense ceiling is light Continuousness flow These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 Pierre Huyghe The third memory 2 Images John Bank robber from Brooklyn that became a media sensation that they made a movie after it Invited him to recreate the film of the recreation of his real event FILM AS A PUBLIC SPACE OR A COMMONS A dynamic chain of formats True story media representation Hollywood reenactment and hybrid docudrama reconstruction A commons a property limited space with its own rules of engagement The artist provides you the rules of engagement participation in art Formats Art is mechanism to get people to come together in a community and interact epistemology of search reframing capturing reiterating documenting Relational Aesthetics Art and the constitution of a shared world Connection Point of contact current power

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - After Art - Day Two

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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