WSU HD 300 - Religion and Child Abuse
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HD 300 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Resources II Ritualistic Abuse Definition III Prevalence IV Common Characteristics V Child Outcomes VI Adult Survivors Outline of Current Lecture I Influence of Religion II Patriarchy III Response of the Religious Community to Abuse IV Goals V Confidentiality VI Forgiveness VII Withholding Medical Care Current Lecture Religion and Child Abuse Influence of Religion o Religious views have long dictated how children are viewed and how parents should raise their children o Religion is tightly connected to values what is considered desireable o From a fundamentalist viewpoint strict and even punitive discipline is considered necessary to meet one s obligations as a good parent o Religious fundamentalism is closely associated with the concept of patriarchy Patriarchy o The father is the total authority and controls both the wife and children o The wife and children are considered property and the father thinks he may do anything he pleases o Children are expected to obey without question Response of the Religious Community to Abuse o Past Religious leaders tended to discount the child s report They often let the offender off easy They were not trained adequately to respond to child abuse issues These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Goals o o o o They often tried to handle the problem on their own Present Religious leaders are now better trained to recognize and respond to abuse and neglect Still they need to acknowledge that abuse is happening in their congregations There is still a tendency to discount or minimize reports of abuse Protect the child Stop the abuse Help the helaling process of the victim Help the healing process and restoration of the family if that is possible Confidentiality o Confidendiality has limits o Confidentiality means respecting the information not keeping secrets o Although not legally mandated to report religious leaders are strongly urged to do so Ethically they are obligated to do so o As part of the penance the offender should be required to turn him herself in Forgiveness o The victim Forgiveness is often the biggest issue facing survivors Clergy are often part of the problem they tend to hurry the process Forgiveness is a lifelong process Victims need to have some sense of understanding and justice o The abuser Often excuse themselves God will forgive me Saying they are sorry crying and feeling remorse are not enough They need to take steps to change their behavior and make restitution to the victim Withholding Medical Care o Medical neglect might occur if parents refuse medical treatment Belief that alternative treatment is preferable or medical treatment is prohibited by their religion o The state has a right and duty to protect the child if the parents cannot or will not care for him her o Statutes in 44 states assert that A child cannot be declared abused or neglected simply because he she is receiving alternative treatment or treatment by prayer o These statutes have been challenged on the basis that parents cannot martyr their children based on their own beliefs Children cannot give informed consent

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