CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Mulholland Dr,
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IPHY 2420 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture November 17th 2014 1 Life and Nothing more 1991 2 What is an Event and its Philosophical Concept 3 The Subject of the event US 4 Asking Directing Challenges to Framing the Event 5 Impossible Justice Outline of Current Lecture November 19 2014 1 Mulholland Dr 2 Current Lecture 1 Mulholland Dr a two part movie Second Part of the film Diane is falling apart cannot connect with the women she loves the women she loves is twisting the knife options on male side engaged to Adam options on the female random party flirt How do we know who the pool man is Who is visualizing him to be this man part 1 and part 2 both had the pool man but someone had to fill this in Betty Diane Fantasize In Betty s fantasy she takes revenge on the rival of her love Adam and she visualizes the man that Adam s wife cheats on him with as a creepy mullet Billy Ray Cyrus She fantasizes revenge on the people in her real life PART ONE Re scripting the fragment elements from part two Part one is not real just made up The Postmodern Aesthetic o The object readymade you are not making it You are impacting it removing originality o The frame the aesthetic supplementation remove intrinsic meaning This movie is about what we supplement to our lives to give it meaning and understanding These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Jameson Colonization of the unconscious even Betty s fantasies were not her own There is a supplementation to the fantasies designed to bestow an artificial coherence upon our own experience We are suspicious of intrinsic meaning so we compensate with rich fantasies Lynch How do we construct our fantasies Hollywood Narratives Privileged narratives Lived Fantasy does not equal desire Killing your boss in your head your desire is to actually do it First half of movie is bright and fluid and things is happening second half is dark and slow and repetitive Desire A desire of the other The only thing we desire is to be the desire of someone else Fantasy A linear narrative our desire is finally accessible o Elements of fantasy Rescuing someone our desire Sexual Satisfaction Staging one s death so as to see the other s reaction to loss suicide Red Pillow Introduction to dream sequence transformation Trauma Death of Betty Man and therapist at Winkies Moment of significance rupture of psychic loss

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Mulholland Dr,

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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