CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Life, and Nothing More
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IPHY 2420 1st Edition Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture November 12 2014 I The Picture Generation II Untitled Sherrie Levine III Untitled Film Still 7 Cindy Sherrman IV Sarah Charlesworth Outline of Current Lecture November 17th 2014 1 Life and Nothing more 1991 2 What is an Event and its Philosophical Concept 3 The Subject of the event US 4 Asking Directing Challenges to Framing the Event 5 Impossible Justice 6 Current Lecture 1 Life and Nothing more 1991 Search for actors of original film Northern Iran The characters are artistically ALL orphans and are vulnerable and we ALWAYS need help After 1990 earthquake that hit northern Iran and killed hundred of thousands of people The event Earthquake without some being as its foundation Allegorical and post foundational there are no more stable truths nothing with eternal intrinsic meaning no human soul no greater powers Digression Listening Testimony The man and his son try to get to a town and maybe never get there The moment of I didn t quite make it where I wanted to go but I am still going to open my ears and listen to the things that ARE around me Testimony of a man who lost 65 family members in earthquake and still chooses to get married 2 What is an Event and its Philosophical Concept Something shocking out of joint all of the sudden and without some being as its foundation Art artistic invention Politics emancipatory rearranging relationships Science Scientific re foundation Love amorous encounter meeting someone These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Birth death cause of death experience of another s death or birth something you have to process for an extended period of time A demand or call to change ones life orientation 3 The Subject of the event US We are finite creatures events HAPPEN to us we experience the limit of our powers and escape us surprise us Vulnerability and exposure to be a finite creature means to be a creature at risk always capable of being surprised HURT AND VIOLATED Subjectivity means we are heteronomous not autonomous the deepest part of ourselves means that we are responsible NOT agency assertion of will We are responsible to the people who come calling to us it this an impossible responsibility We cant ignore it yet can t complete or indulge in it Connection to Crary SLEEP is vulnerability Uncle who died in earthquake was asleep Autonomy and self sufficiency is unattainable we need to care for our vulnerabilities together Crary worries we do not live in a caring society 4 Asking Directing Challenges to Framing the Event Challenge to total representation we can t frame everything limitations of films Incompletion gap between frame and reality Necessity of framing Ethics of framing minor histories recounts many histories lost o The gaps of ethics require supplementation dual imperative need to frame and need to supplement The supplements affect us and we must except and understand how o Examples of supplementation God religion Wolves good and evil cars toilets family coming together in hard times family that is created from an event not blood and cinema o The most ethical supplements do not efface our vulnerability but rather those that foreground their inadequate in addressing our vulnerability cars houses and toys will not solve our problems or vulnerabilities Car as camera doors and doorways as framing devices 5 Impossible Justice Can we help all of those who need help No we cannot Can we listen to every story Can we save the victims Demand for justice infinitely demanding we save everyone we can Film of compromising what can we frame what can we save Ephemeral documentation staging ethical dilemma whom can we save

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Life, and Nothing More

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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