WSU HBM 235 - Rest of Ch. 3 and Exam Review

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HBM 235 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Government s Role in Tourism Outline of Current Lecture Current Lecture I Tourism Organizations A Global Organizations UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization 1 UN Millennium Development Goals End hunger Universal education Gender equality Child health etc B Regional Organizations PATA Pacific Asia Travel Association 1 Simulate tourism in a remote regional area C Supranational Organization Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat 1 Lots of different countries are apart of it and help govern like the European Union 2 Same thing in tourism D National Organization Canadian Tourism Commission 1 USA has never had this E Sate Organizations Share Your Washington 1 Washington state doesn t have their own state organization F Community Organizations Washington Restaurant Association Washington Lodging Association Washington Tourism Alliance Difference between regional and supranational supranational countries are stakeholders in the organization help govern it II EXAM REVIEW Which of the following is not an example of an external shock that can impact tourism The destination has a dysfunctional government internal According to distance decay travel demand between two points decreases as time and cost increase Name two things discussed in class that can contribute to the uneven distribution of international tourism activity Uneven distribution of tourism Tourism is an export because the experience is being exported A system that can be assured to make quality assurance Quality assurance Luxury item not an necessity High price elasticity of demand Opportunity cost with a scenario Developing countries have an advantage opportunity cost is low have the raw materials required to be an attractive destination Market product orientation sells the need of the consumer consumer emphasis Product Orientation product is the emphasis Suppressed demand people who do not travel potential demand may be inclined to travel Deferred demand something wrong on the destination side like not enough tour guides Infrastructure assistance assumes the cost of infrastructure needs Marketing means offering the right Product Person Place time and Price Leakage increasing foreign exchange earnings get money into system and keep it there prevent leakages Segmentation looks at who is coming first backward segmentation strength flexible downlet something happen to you not proactive Forward segmentation looks at who is going proactive Travel propensity of market that travels Travel Frequency how often people travel Five pillars of sustainable tourism Maximize profits and multiplier effect making sure local people benefit ensure visitor satisfaction protect natural resources High multiplier mean money circulating Low multiplier Trade surplus exporting more than you are buying Trade deficit Anthropocentric environmental conscious but for his own benefit Ecocentric environmentally conscious for nature s benefit Establish change or reinforce position in tourist s mind Front desk example of direct employment to tourism Explain the tourism environmental paradox poorly managed tourism development can destroy that which attracts visitors in the first place Foreign investment paradox

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WSU HBM 235 - Rest of Ch. 3 and Exam Review

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