Spring 2006 J201 Exam 1 will be made up of 5 short answer terms to identify and give the significance of in a few sentences 1 point each and 1 essay question to answer in a few pages 5 points each This review sheet contains sample short answer terms and essay questions to help guide you in your test preparation Students should prepare to identify all terms and answer all essay questions as the instructor will choose which ones if any actually appear on the exam at the last minute mass communication mass media two step flow opinion leaders mediation technological determinism asynchronous zero effects theory mass society effects theory agenda setting theory audience segmentation psychographics audience as product uses and gratifications theory wall between editorial and state wall between editorial and advertising barrier to entry economies of scale diseconomies of scale media concentration muckrakers demographic editions of magazines magazine circulation the star system vertical integration block booking diagonal integration Radio Corporation of America CATV Golden Age of Television Golden Age of Radio network affiliate television household wireless telegraphy network model of broadcasting public interest principle of scarcity format model of radio news hole civic disengagement epistemology satellite radio Clear Channel pluralist society freedom of speech self censorship normative arguments oligopoly Time Warner natural monopoly work for hire MySpace com Michael Powell Fairness Doctrine voice tracking IPTV complementary copy the long tail cross promotion conglomeration horizontal integration Teletubbies just kidding Sample essay questions Define what you think the phrase public interest convenience and necessity does or should mean with respect to an important social purpose of the mass media then pick one mass communication medium which you think serves that public interest well and explain why and how it is able to do this Using some aspect of the music industry as an example broadcast or satellite radio physical CD sales live performance or Internet purchased MP3 files discuss the current trends in media ownership and how they affect media diversity from the point of view of both artists and audiences Using Neil Postman s ideas about how print based societies are different from television based socieites which kind of society is the Internet fostering and why Discuss the positive and negative effects that television had on either film print or radio around mid century Using either the Superbowl or the Olympics as your example describe how the audience can be viewed as both exerting agency as consumers and as serving as a product for advertisers Using the two models of mass communication that James Carey described analyze the Islamic cartoon controversy in either the Danish context the wider Arab Muslim Middle Eastern context or our own US context
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