PAD 3003 04 Public Administration in Society Spring 2012 05 30PM 08 15 PM Monday HCB 0208 CONTACT INFORMATION Instructor Office Office Hours Office FAX E mail Seejeen Park Doctoral Student Bellamy 665 Monday Wednesday 2 30 3 30 pm or by appointment 850 644 7617 sp10n my fsu edu I COURSE MATERIALS Required Text Holzer Marc Schwester Richard Public Administration An Introduction M E Sharpe Inc 2011 Other required readings and assignments will be posted on the class Blackboard site http campus fsu edu II COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES Public Administration in Society is designed to introduce students to the field of public administration primarily through an American lens although some attention will be given to comparative public administration issues Students will learn how public administration affects the lives of citizens through a combination of class lectures in class participation assignments and exams Whether your field of interest is in the public private or non profit sector having a general knowledge of public administration is a fundamental foundation for actively participating in society The core objectives of the class include 1 2 3 4 Provide a general overview of the basic concepts of public administration Provide an understanding about the role of government Learning about the different types of management functions of the government Becoming familiar with how managers and elected officials representing multiple democratic governments within a federal system work together efficiently effectively and transparently to help create the society our citizens want 1 III CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR I will treat you respectfully and I ask you treat both me and your fellow class mates with respect and cordiality Please give your full attention to the class discussion and material Please turn off your cell phones and arrive on time If a student must arrive late or leave early due to an emergency please do so as unobtrusively as possible IV GRADING EVALUATION Exams 2 Management Memo Participation 50 30 20 Total 100 A 93 100 A 90 92 B 87 89 B 83 86 B 80 82 C 77 79 C 73 76 C 70 72 D 67 69 D 63 66 F 0 62 Note Final grade scores with an average 5 are rounded upwards to the next point V ASSIGNMENTS RESPONSIBILITIES Class Attendance and Participation I expect each student to attend class and actively participate in class discussion It is the student s responsibility to complete the assigned readings prior to the respective classes Effective participation requires student s preparation for the class and active involvement in the class Attendance and punctuality are expected and are strictly measured through the class roster sign in sheet Unexcused absences and late arrival to class will be taken into account in the determination of your final grade If an absence is unavoidable it is the student s responsibility to notify the instructor prior to the class In most cases you can e mail me Excused absences include documented illnesses deaths in the immediate family and other documented crises call to active military or jury duty religious holy days and official University activities or other excuses allowed by University policy Accommodations for these excused absences will be made in a way that does not penalize students who have a valid excuse Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness Each unexcused absence will result in deduction of your final grade percentage by 0 5 2 Participation 20 Your attendance and other evidence of class participation will count in determining this part of your class grade Exams Total 50 25 for each exam Two exams will be given for this class Each will consist of true false and multiple choice questions The use of books and or notes is prohibited during these exams If a student is unable to take an exam on its scheduled day and time the student must make prior arrangements to take a make up In order to make up exam s s he must have a university accepted excuse check the FSU student handbook for a description of acceptable excuses If the excuse is approved by the instructor the student will be allowed to take an alternate exam Students with unexcused absences for an exam will receive a zero for their score no exceptions Management Memorandum 30 15 each You must prepare two management memos over the course of the semester Each management memo will be written about a given case You should write the management memos as you have been asked by your supervisor to give suggestions about the situation Be concise specific and detailed Be sure to explain the relevance of the points you make in the memo Use the concepts and theories from the textbook and the lectures Do not simply present a list of bullet points that reiterate the readings or the remarks of the lecturer Make sure your management memo will be useful for your superior These 1 page management memos should be single spaced with 12 point font and 1 inch margins Your management memos will be graded on 1 demonstrated understanding of the materials 2 relevance importance and quality of the main points 3 likely usefulness of the memo for a manager 4 structure and coherence and 5 writing quality For your reference a sample memo will be posted on black board You are expected to submit BOTH a hard copy and an electronic copy to assignment folder on the Blackboard Late papers without prior approval will be penalized The penalty is a 10 point reduction per assignment per day late After 3 days late assignments will not be accepted 3 VI ACADEMIC CONDUCT Students are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Code published in the Florida State University Bulletin and the Student Handbook The Academic Honor Code of The Florida State University requires students to 1 uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in their own work 2 refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the university community and 3 foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility Violations of the Academic Honor Code are available at http dof fsu edu honorpolicy htm and are listed in general from the Academic Honor Code Policy as 1 PLAGIARISM Intentionally presenting the work of another as one s own i e without proper acknowledgement of the source 2 CHEATING Improper application of any information or material that is used in evaluating academic work 3 UNAUTHORIZED GROUP WORK Unauthorized collaborating with others 4 FABRICATION FALSIFICATION AND MISREPRESENTATION Intentional and
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