WSU HBM 235 - Exam Review

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HBM 235 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Instructions and Overview II Selecting a group III Overview IV Headings in paper V Oral Presentation Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI Test Review Ch1 Ch10 Ch11 Ch12 Ch13 Current Lecture Reminders Wednesday and Friday Feb 12th and Feb 14th Meet in Terrell I Test Review Ch 1 10 11 12 13 A 40 Questions B True and False and Multiple Choice II Ch 1 The destination Mix A Destination Mix attractions facilities transportation hospitality resources infrastructure 1 Infrastructure Physical and Organizational 2 Facilities hotels bars and restaurants etc 3 Hospitality resources service providers general public tour guides etc B Primary and Secondary destinations 1 Different for each tourist C Ownership Types 1 Private 2 Public gov 3 Nonprofit D Intrinsic attributes 1 Climate 2 Natural resources 3 Culture 4 History 5 Ethnicity E Cultural Commoditization culture is bought and sold on the marketplace Sold for tourism 1 Positive and Negative aspects of cultural commoditization F Accessibility help and hinder G Display rules emotional labor 1 Different components of emotional labor Surface acting Deep acting Example test question Provide an example of a tourist market segment 18 to 25 year old from Germany who are obsessed with pagan death rituals What is one positive and on negative aspect of cultural commoditization Positive Keep cultures alive empowerment pride Negative loose authenticity meaning Inaccessibility is always a bad thing for all market segments False Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify assess manage and control one s emotions Which f the following attractions most likely has non profit ownership type Museum III Ch 10 Forces Shaping Tourism A Two components of Culture the iceberg 1 Two aspects of visible external culture and two aspects of internal culture External clothing music body art language Internal Values attitudes experience and beliefs B Hofstede s dimensions of culture 1 Employee can talk and joke with boss Low power distance 2 Anxious about uncertainty High uncertainty avoidance C Stanley Plog and his continuum Venturers v Dependables 1 Venturer likes to learn about new cultures intellectually curious travels often spends a lot when traveling Attracting Near Dependables is the best long term strategy for developing tourism False Which of the following would be a Near Venturer most likely prefer Trip to Paris France to visit the museums and Eifel Tower IV Ch 11 Why People Take Vacations A Push and Pull Factors Examples 1 Push psychological needs and desires Escape reconnect novelty relax adventure B Pull Characteristics of destination Climate location sandy beaches Homeostasis disrupted when need deficiency Which of the following is a push factor A traveler s desire to get away V Ch 12 Selecting a Destination A Components of info search Internal External Social life B Consumer generated content review websites C Organic vs Induced image examples D Functional vs psychological characteristics 1 Functional things that are measureable crime rates miles of beach square miles 2 Psychological immeasurable rugged serene beautiful E Destinations image and self congruity F Positive and negative disconfirmation 1 Expectation and performance gap Why do we engage in information search before traveling To reduce risk Organic news stories impact tourism destination To want to travel to a place to match her ideal social self self congruity Traveling surpasses traveler s expectations Positive confirmation VI Ch 13 Travel Purchase A Model of travel decision making process 1 All existing destinations Unawareness set or Awareness set Evoked set surrogate set or exclusion set Dream set unavailable set available set Final Choice 2 Market consideration constraint choice Surrogate Set wants to travel to Ireland but right now is not a priority destination so she will keep as an alternative for the future

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WSU HBM 235 - Exam Review

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