WSU HBM 235 - Group Projects

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HBM 235 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Perception Image and Satisfaction II Traveler s Decision making Process Outline of Current Lecture I Instructions and Overview II Selecting a group III Overview IV Headings in paper V Oral Presentation Current Lecture Group Project Destination Evaluation I Instructions and Overview A Parts 1 Paper 100 points 2 Oral Presentation 40 points 3 Peer evaluation 10 points B Your Grade 1 Paper 90 100 2 Presentation 35 40 3 Peer evaluation 10 10 Subtotal 135 150 90 Peer evaluation 7 10 135 x 70 94 5 150 Your total 63 Moral of the story contribute and be a good group member II Selecting a Group A Groups of 4 to 6 people 1 If you want to work in specific group must let me know by Friday 2 07 2 If not I will put you in groups III Overview A Critically evaluate a travel destination city 1 For ease of use can use local destination 2 Should be someplace everyone has been or is familiar with No overlap Must let me know by 2 12 IV Headings in the paper A B C D E F G H I J K Table of Contents Awareness and image of the destination Destination Image send a survey to friends about the image of destination Summarize other research tables and graphs Describe the geographical location of the area Identify tourist attractions primary secondary man made natural Existing infrastructure and superstructure Target markets Hofstede and Plog Ch 7 Economic impact of tourism in the area Social and environmental impacts Conclusions and recommendations SWOT analysis and recommendations for improvement L References All information in syllabus V Oral Presentation A Dress code business casual B 15 minutes for each presentation 5 minutes for Q A 1 Two group presentations will take place per class 2 Practice is essential C Create three decision questions for the audience at the end Wednesday Feb 12th and Friday Feb 14th HBM 235 Resource Session Meet in Terrell 20E FRIDAY FEB 14th get to sleep in Wednesday Group floor Terrell Library grand piano floor Inside the Newspaper Current Journals Room 9 10 am 10 00 am Feb 12 last names A K go Feb 14 last names L Z go

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WSU HBM 235 - Group Projects

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