ASU ENG 101 - Syllabus

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D Bowling 1 ENG 102 SYLLABUS DUE DATE GUIDE Diana Bowling Spring 2003 MWF ENG 102 LL 548 965 3168 Diana Bowling asu edu SYLLABUS This is a tentative syllabus it may change according to the needs of the class Due dates for projects may be changed assignments may be dropped or added There may be a few unannounced in class quizzes exercises or assignments You are responsible for completing all assignments and for turning them in on time Absence is no excuse for inadequate or inappropriate work Please keep all your ENG 102 work together in a notebook and bring it and your text to class with you each day All reading assignments are from Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum NOTE All assignments except out of class essay projects are due the following class period unless otherwise specified It is your responsibility to read this syllabus before each class meeting and to keep up with all assignments Missed in class group or individual exercises group and individual conferences and group peer review cannot be made up Please use 8 by 11 inch white paper for all your assignments If assignments call for using notebook paper please cut off those annoying ruffled edges before you submit them Also if you lose your Course Policies and or Syllabus you can access them at the following URL http www public asu edu dbowli1 SYMBOLS WRAC JE PR RR WP CRE HW Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum Journal Entries Peer Review Reader Response Writing Project Critical Reading Exercise Homework TENTATIVE SYLLABUS Week 1 M Jan 20 W 22 NO CLASSES MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY In class Course introduction eng101 syllabus sp03 D Bowling 2 HW Purchase your textbook and supplies Type a one page double spaced essay describing in detail the types of assignments you wrote in ENG 101 be prepared to discuss the essay in class F Jan 24 In class Share above essays hand in HW In WRAC read Chapter 1 pp 1 49 On p 49 read all three of the following articles and select We ve Got Mail Always pp 229 34 JE 1 Journey of an EMail pp 243 47 JE 2 OR The Stanford Prison Experiment pp 347 59 JE 3 and type a brief double spaced summary of the selected article following the directions in the chapter for dividing the article into sections for writing a one sentence summary of each section and then for joining section summaries with a thesis Your double spaced summary should be no longer than one half 1 2 to three quarters 3 4 of a page Due on Wednesday 1 29 03 In your JE notebook respond to JE 1 3 by finding and copying the thesis statement in each article and by writing one sentence summaries of each article When you copy the thesis statements copy them word for word and use quotation marks S 26 Drop Add Ends Week 2 M 27 In class Discuss the above reading Discuss assigned JEs Assign groups HW Complete typing the brief summary of one of the above readings and bring two copies to the next class for practice peer review W 29 In class Exchange two copies of your summary with two of your group peers In class print your name as the evaluator on the copies of the summaries and mark up the papers As HW use the Reader Response RR sheet to type a one page double spaced evaluation of each summary Make two copies of each RR and bring them and the marked up drafts to the next class meeting If you are not prepared with two copies of your summary you will not be able to participate in this exercise see your Course Policies F 31 In class Return one copy of the RR and marked up draft to each writer and give me a copy of each RR Meet in groups to discuss your comments HW Based on your reviewers comments and the RRs revise your summary due on Monday 2 3 03 This summary is worth three 3 HW grades In WRAC read Chapter 2 pp 50 72 Week 3 M Feb 3 In class Hand in your revised summary Summer School Registration Begins Discuss above reading HW In WRAC critically read Virtual Love pp 254 61 JE 4 and Drag Racing and Death Some Cases of Manslaughter pp 687 95 JE 5 As homework respond to the following questions in your JE notebook 1 who is the author s intended audience and why did he she chose them 2 what is the author s main purpose to inform to persuade to entertain 3 is the author successful at achieving his her purpose and why or why not 4 what are his her appeals to logic to emotions to ethics T 4 Unrestricted Withdrawal Deadline without Instructor s Signature eng101 syllabus sp03 D Bowling 3 Week 3 W Feb 5 In class Respond in writing to JE prompts on the board JE 6 JE 7 Discuss HW prompts and in class prompts in groups and then in class discussion Hand out WP 1 Persuasive Critique assignment sheet and CRE for selected Critique article Final Draft of WP 1 is due for a Content Grade on Friday 2 21 03 Hand in the pages with JEs 1 7 for the first JE check Be sure your name is on each page and that each entry is numbered and dated HW Thoroughly read and study WP 1 assignment sheet and CRE Decide which of the two above articles you want to critique and begin filling out the CRE In order to receive full credit for the CRE all sections must be thoroughly filled in Due on Monday 2 10 03 In WRAC read and study Chapter 3 pp 73 93 F 7 In class Complete discussion of the two above articles Discuss WP 1 and the CRE Begin discussion of Chapter 3 HW Thoroughly fill out and complete the CRE due 2 10 03 Find a film review in the State Press New Times Arizona Republic or other paper of your choice Cut out the review and bring it to the next class meeting Begin typing WP 1 Version 1 Week 4 M 10 In class Hand in CRE for approval Complete discussion of all above readings Discuss film reviews print your name on them and hand in HW Complete WP 3 Version 1 for PR on Wednesday Bring two copies to exchange in class If you do not have two complete copies you will not be able to participate in peer review Consequently you will lose several process points which in the end will lower your grade for the Writing Project W 12 In class Group PR of WP 1 Exchange drafts with two members of your group Print your name on the first page of each draft and in class mark up these drafts Schedule conferences HW Based on the RR sheet type two 1 1 page s double spaced RRs based on the prompts two RRs one for each peer Print two copies of each one for your peer and one for …

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