UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Political culture and TX land

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POLS 2312 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Overview of Texas II Political Culture Outline of Current Lecture I TX Political Culture II Overview of Legislature III Land of TX Current Lecture 6 flags have flown over TX Spain France Mexico Republic of TX Confederate States of TX U S Traditionalistic culture racism and elitism reflective in reflective in state laws like jim crows laws Also seen in poll taxes and literacy taxes TX legislature meets biennially every other year paid 600 a month Salary can only raise if voted on by the people TX Governor has very limited authority on budget Influential at best no real authority TX elects its own judges helps to limit government Anne Richards legalized TX lotto Religious groups were anti lotto advocates 1980 s TX oil bust prices drop with jobs Houston ghost town TX officials then decide TX should diversify economy Land 267000 square miles of land in TX Use land for agriculture and oil industries Cattle imported from Spain to Mexico then to TX Cattle herds is why TX is the Longhorn state TX leads U S in cattle production Cotton backbone of TX economy In 1900 s TX produced of at U S cotton supply Oil 1901 1st oil fields discovered in TX Spindletop Field Cause for RR Commission TX holds 4 of 10 largest oil fields in U S oil revenue funded political campaigns government and UT and A M systems These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Political culture and TX land

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