HBM 235 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Objectives II Attractions A Primary B Secondary C Tourist Marker segment III Ownership Titles A Permanency B Drawing Power IV Natural Resources A Climate B Culture C Cultural commodification Outline of Current Lecture I Review on Terms II Historical Review III Facilities IV Organizational V Transportation VI Hospitality Resources Current Lecture I Review good quiz and or test questions A Destination mix Attractions facilities infrastructure transportation and hospitality B Attractions are the central aspect of tourism Primary and secondary attractions C Ownership Public government sector Private sector Nonprofit D Drawing Power Intrinsic characteristic belonging to a thing by its very nature 1 Natural resources 2 Climate 3 Culture 4 History 5 Ethnicity 6 Accessibility E Cultural commodification local culture is turned into an attraction for tourists II Historical Review A War such as people going to see Pearl Harbor or Civil War Reenactments B Religion The Mecca C Habitation George Washington s childhood home or Dracula s Castle D Government The White House E Ethnicity Reconnect with heritage go to ancestors homeland F Accessibility Location location location Geographical remoteness Help or Hinder Help Being in a remote location can help tourism of this area because people want to go away to find an escape have an unique experience Off the beaten path Unique Identity affirmation Hinder Transportation costs Time and effort Marketing implications Convenience vs escape III Facilities Serve visitors while they are away from home Supporting industries services A Hotels B Bars and Restaurants C Tour Guide Services D Shopping and Visitor Centers IV Infrastructure The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society A Physical 1 Water systems tourism requires a lot of water 2 Communications networks 3 Healthcare facilities 4 Power sources 5 Streets and Highways 6 Security systems A lack of any may produce different responses in different tourist market segments V Organizational 1 Basic institutions like government agencies banks courts etc VI Transportation Facilities access to attractions Tourism considerations in transportation planning implies coordination Ex Highways functional interesting Close range views of key local scenes Change in location Viewpoint and overlooks VII Hospitality Resources Making your guests feel at home even when you wish they were A Feelings of welcome both by service providers and public 1 Service providers hospitality training 2 Public residents and governments WAVE Welcome All Visitors Enthusiastically in Palau B Teaching Hospitality 1 Highly service oriented Huge element human emotions 2 Emotional intelligence identify assess manage and control one s emotions 3 Emotional labor effort required to manage feeling in accordance with organization guidelines Hospitality can require high emotional labor C Display rules when where and how one should express emotions Faking feelings surface acting Changing inner feelings deep acting
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