CU-Boulder GEOG 2412 - Assignment 4

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Name Recitation Number Assignment 4 Tree Debate Tambopata Forest Management This assignment needs to be 1 page no more than 2 pages typed double or one and one half spaced 11 or 12pt font It needs to be completed for recitation the week of November 7th This assignment will also serve as a basis for a debate to be held in your recitation that same week You will be graded both on the quality and content of your written answers as well as your performance in the debate The question This week you will examine the question Can the different stakeholders of Tambopata come to an agreement on how to use the forest What sort of plan would work best for the forest The puzzle The Tambopata Rainforest in Peru is one of the most biologically diverse and least disturbed areas on the planet Ecologists want to save this area but most local residents see Tambopata as a poor isolated region of Peru and they are eager to harvest the region s timber gold and oil and farm the region s vast lands Meanwhile local indigenous people see their very survival threatened by both conservationists and pro development groups Peruvian officials are trying to balance biodiversity protection with economic development in Tambopata via land use zoning and have invited the below stakeholders to a roundtable your debate to work out how to zone utilize the land Specifically they are zoning the 272 000 ha of land within Tambopata National Reserve TNR an area intended to both protect biodiversity and allow for sustainable resource use The Positions with sample participants see stakeholder descriptions below The positions for the assignment and debate are as follows your TA will assign you a general position which will be your team You will be responsible for working with this team to develop an argument for the debate to advance your interests in the forest however the work on the paper needs to be your own to avoid plagiarism Your arguments should be based on the different perspectives we learned in the beginning of the course Each perspective offers you some critique of the others that will be presented To make things more specific and personal you can adopt the persona of one of the individuals detailed at the end of this document They are also listed under the general team names below You should work with other characters on your team to get your points across in the debate A Conservation Ecotourism operator from Rainforest Expeditions Conservation biologist from Conservation International Washington D C WE Wisconsin Electric Power Company executive Milwaukee WI Name Recitation Number B Indigenous Ese eja community member indigenous person Ribere o community member Agustin Achuni is a leader of LeaderFE NAMAD the Local Federation of Native People of Madre de Dios C Commercial Farmers Biofuel consultant Industrial soybean producer from Brazil D Timber Mining Owner of Madera Grande a big logging company based in Lima Small scale logger based in Puerto Maldonado Mobil Exxon executive Dallas TX Small scale gold miner E Colonists Casta ero Brazil nut harvester Colonist recently arrived from Andes Leader of FADEMAD Federation of Agriculturalists of Madre de Dios What you need to do To explore this question you will use the concepts and ideas brought up in lecture and in your textbook since the beginning of the course This is your opportunity to apply conceptual tools you learned in the first part of the course to another real life puzzle You should review and start your research for this debate by reading Chapter 10 Trees You may also need to draw from other chapters to review perspectives we have read about such as the market approach institutions ethics or population You may also want to explore additional material from books scholarly journals newspapers Internet sources or magazine articles to answer the following questions You will need to cite at least 2 additional sources You should come to recitation prepared to present and defend the position assigned to you by your TA Based on your character s teams interests you will define your priorities for Tambopata s future What kinds of activities will generate income without destroying biodiversity Brazil nut harvesting Sustainable agriculture Low impact logging Forest carbon storage Which of these activities should be allowed in the most fertile and scenic lands lying along the rivers Will tourists want to watch birds amidst agriculture or mining Should the forest be protected or used and by whom Or can the forest be zoned with different areas set up for different kinds of uses farming carbon sequestration ecotourism What sorts of uses go together and which ones do not Support your position by using the perspectives as tools in your argument Moral Arguments think ethics political economy Who should benefit from Tambopata s forests The area s original inhabitants Ese eja Or the ribere os colonists who have lived in the area for 3 Name Recitation Number generations Or should Tambopata s carbon heavy forests be protected to benefit global humanity Do Tambopata s forests and wildlife have rights apart from human concerns Then draw on these other kinds of arguments Environmental Arguments think ecology population social construction markets political economy Why is it important to protect the forests What is the forest and for whom What activities will generate economic income without destroying biodiversity Are there any negative environmental consequences of the land use you recommend How might they be mitigated Cite positive examples from elsewhere in the tropics Economic Arguments think political economy markets Tambopata is poor Some children are undernourished Local people have less access to health care and education than other Peruvians Should the citizens of Tambopata have to forgo economic opportunities so that biodiversity is conserved If not what kind of economic activities should have priority How can carbon trading help think markets here How will the benefits of economic activities farming mining carbon sequestration ecotourism be distributed Articulate how your team and or character stands to gain or lose depending upon the land use decisions made at an open round table discussion your debate The objective of the round table discussion is to identify that the mix of land uses that best represents the interests of all stakeholder groups Therefore beyond your character s personal interests you will need to consider the broader compromises your character would

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CU-Boulder GEOG 2412 - Assignment 4

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