Tel T 192 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 11 16 Lecture 10 A closer look at African American Portrayals African American Men Jim Crow Sambo Zip Coon Brute African American Women Mammy Tragic Mulatto Jezebelle Black is Ugly Colorism Blacks are Savage Lecture 11 look at the notes from the guest lecture it is an Adobe Reader file Lecture 12 Asian Americans o The yellow peril stereotype Before WWII Attitudes towards Asian immigrants were not positive White Americans felt their jobs were going to be taken away by them Portrayals in movies were like this for support of the war o Model minority Recovered economically after the war Rates of crime are relatively low The idea that this group has achieved a higher rate of success than the American average guess o Primetime TV Constitute between 1 and 4 of the characters on primetime tv Primarily minor or non recurring roles Often in high status occupations In advertising Asian Americans most frequently found in tech ads As such portrayals are contributing to backlash Decreased consumer civic response o They re so smart and hardworking that they don t need scholarships or govt help o The fears are the same for both stereotypes people believe they re going to become better and take over Latinos and Hispanics o Latino from countries once under Roman rule o Hispanic from countries under Spanish rule o Stereotypes in Media The hot blooded sexy character macho man or curvy vixen Gang member usually into drug dealing An entertainer The immigrant domestic worker o Where do these stereotypes come from The media itself TV news Shown as perpetrators of crime Shown as victims of crime less likely than real world crime stats suggest Significantly linked to news stories about immigration and gang violence Lecture 13 MOVIE DAY Lecture 14 Sex and the Media o Primary public concern US has highest teen pregnancy rate Half a million babies it comes out to roughly Babies born to teen moms have more complications o Low birth weight cognitive development etc Teen moms have more health issues Why is this Don t have access to birth control Sex ed is highly censored Biggest reason is because we limit teenagers access to birth control in three ways o Sex education Most are abstinence only o Physicians themselves o The media Media loves to show and talk about sex Doesn t talk about birth control or the consequences TV as a source of sexual information o sexual media content Definition is very broad Kissing clear sexual activity naked people under sheets o How common is sex on children s shows Not at all common Children don t just watch shows that are made only for children Seeing sexual portrayals here Most shows that come up early on primetime use sexual innuendos o How common is sex in TV shows popular with adolescents teens Almost 85 7 8 sex portrayals per hour Put more sex in these shows because those people are interested in it o How is sex portrayed Explicitness How much is left to the imagination Sex is shown as common and recreational Most characters don t have a discernible relationship For the young beautiful and single Risks of sexual activity aren t talked about Easier to not talk about it Talks a lot of money to incorporate it into a plot Males vs Females Female sexual identity o Virginal but not slutty o More sexualized o Not supposed to talk about sex enjoy sex or seek sex out Male sexual identity o More sex you have the cooler you are o Not interested in a relationship just want sex What do adolescents learn from sexual portrayals o Beliefs A common belief is overestimation of how many people their age are having sex and the age at which peers lose their virginity What is appropriate concerning birth control Almost always the woman s idea or job to talk about it Prevailing message is you don t talk about birth control o Attitudes Having a valence to them can be good or bad Extra marital affairs sex before marriage and emotionless sex are fine and happen frequently Heavy viewers tend to evaluate their sexual partner as less sexually attractive Desensitization Not as affected emotional or psychological numbness o Behaviors Collins and Colleagues longitudinal work National pool Can exposure to sexual media be related to actual sexual behaviors o Exposure predicted sexual behavior 1 year later Lecture 15 Media Violence o Media Violence and Aggression Violence has long been a staple of entertainment media Public concern about media violence and youth aggression Violent messages in the media o Television George Gerbner s Work Definition of violence included accidents and natural disasters National Television Violence Study Narrow definition of violence Examined contextual features Results o Perpetrator o Graphic Violence o Rewards and Punishments o Consequences o Humor o Conclusions o Other media Films DVDs Violence has increased over time Ratings Creep Video Games Most games involve some kind of physical aggression and injury to another in order to advance to next level Music Very few studies in this area Work has focused on imagery rather than the lyrics Rap hip hop is typically the most violent across genre o Accumulation of Evidence Content Analyses Survey Work Experiments Longitudinal Studies Meta Analyses o Huesmann and Eron Same set of kids over 22 years Early tv viewing predicted aggressive behavior later in life boys only Early aggression did not lead to watching TV violence Lecture 16 Why Worry About the Press o Amount of coverage matters Male candidates consistently receive more coverage than women o Article lengths differ between male and female candidates o Are male candidates more presidential and hence more worthy of press coverage Media Bias Common arguments against women in office o Unnatural First Frames o Incapable Trivialities o Not Viable Readiness Media Bias The Use of Stereotypes o What qualities make for a good president o Common stereotypes Women as emotional Family and Profession Personality and Character Media Bias Their body of work o Gender marking o Physical descriptions Is America Ready o Yes particularly if you look at lower level races But will women want to run Press portrays them as weak and emotional Focus on trivialities instead of policy Slate them for the VP instead of Presidential ticket AND women are running against male incumbents without the same political and military credentials Result Don t have a fair chance and therefore don t aspire for the job
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