IUB TEL-T 192 - It's easy being a mom...
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Tel T 192 Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Movie Day Outline of Current Lecture II Sex and the media III Where do young people learn about sex IV TV as a source of sexual information Current Lecture Sex and the Media o Primary public concern US has highest teen pregnancy rate Half a million babies it comes out to roughly Babies born to teen moms have more complications o Low birth weight cognitive development etc Teen moms have more health issues Why is this Don t have access to birth control Sex ed is highly censored Biggest reason is because we limit teenagers access to birth control in three ways o Sex education Most are abstinence only o Physicians themselves o The media Media loves to show and talk about sex Doesn t talk about birth control or the consequences Where do young people learn about sex o Parents o Schools Most programs are abstinence only Programs are a failure Evidence to support they jeopardize health By the time they get their first sex talk they re already having sex How they constitute what sex is is wrong Assume teens won t learn about sex from anywhere else o Peers These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Where do they get their info from o Media The sexual super peer o If teens get the contraceptive information they need they are more likely to protect themselves during that first sexual experience o Heavy viewers are more likely to overestimate the number of people around them who are having sex Cultivation theory TV as a source of sexual information o sexual media content Definition is very broad Kissing clear sexual activity naked people under sheets o How common is sex on children s shows Not at all common Children don t just watch shows that are made only for children Seeing sexual portrayals here Most shows that come up early on primetime use sexual innuendos o How common is sex in TV shows popular with adolescents teens Almost 85 7 8 sex portrayals per hour Put more sex in these shows because those people are interested in it o How is sex portrayed Explicitness How much is left to the imagination Sex is shown as common and recreational Most characters don t have a discernible relationship For the young beautiful and single Risks of sexual activity aren t talked about Easier to not talk about it Talks a lot of money to incorporate it into a plot Males vs Females Female sexual identity o Virginal but not slutty o More sexualized o Not supposed to talk about sex enjoy sex or seek sex out Male sexual identity o More sex you have the cooler you are o Not interested in a relationship just want sex

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