1st Edition
GENG 260: Survey African Amer Lit [C2l]
School: James Madison University (JMU )
Pages: 15Lecture notes from all classes this year. Including in class quiz questions
Pages: 2Discussion on “How it feels to be a Colored me”
Pages: 2Discussion of the Harlem Renaissance and poems we read for class
Pages: 2More information on reconstruction period including discussions of Ida B. Wells and Claude McKay
Pages: 2Class discussion on "The Ex-Colored Man"
Pages: 2Discussion of the Reconstruction period and it's affects on African Amercians
Pages: 2Discussion of The Tragic Mulatto by Victor Sejour
Pages: 2Discussion of “Bury me in a Free Land” by Frances Harper and going over poetry terms
Pages: 2Discussion of the Narrative of Frederick Douglass