1st Edition
GEOG 1710: Earth Science
School: University of North Texas (UNT )
Pages: 2How the BP oil spill affected the coast line and the Ocean. Answers to quiz 6
Pages: 2Two guest speakers came and talked to the class about Citizen Science and Texas Ticks.
Pages: 2Description of different types of desert lands and how dust moves.
Pages: 2explanation of ecosystem services, types of capital and description of the biosphere.
Pages: 2How the ocean and the atmosphere are similar and different. As well as how the currents move around the Earth.
Pages: 3Explanation of how winds move across the Earth and how it effects temperature and weather.
Pages: 3How the Earth absorbs radiation. The three types of Thermal Energy.
Pages: 3How radiation keeps the Earth warm and how albedo helps the Earth.
Pages: 3How solar radiation affects the Earth and how the Earth's atmosphere helps protect humans from harmful rays.
Pages: 3Characteristics of Geography in relation to a spatial dischiline