1st Edition
PSYC 1100: General Psychology I
School: University Of Connecticut (UConn )
Pages: 2Information discussed in the 14th class lecture.
Pages: 3Extension of information related to neurons as well as learning patterns.
Pages: 2Information on disorders due to damage to the association cortex of the brain.
Pages: 2Includes information covered in the first class lecture: the cerebral cortex
Pages: 2Information including the final process in "Communication across the synapse", the nervous system, and parts of the brain
Pages: 2Includes information covered during the 6th lecture of class including the nerve impulse and neurotransmitters.
Pages: 2This contains information discussed during the second lecture, including how psychology is defined and important dates and people
Pages: 2Includes basic functions of the brain that were discussed in the first lecture of class.