1st Edition
ACCT 209: Survey Of Acct Prin
School: Texas A&M University (TAMU )
Pages: 3Definitions, types of problems, and notes for the sections covered in the exam.
Pages: 5Includes Summary of every lecture. Also points to examples in the lecture notes relevant.
Pages: 7Includes Summary of every lecture. Also points to examples in the lecture notes relevant. Acct. Cycle, Inventories, and Fixed Assets
Pages: 7Filled in notes from class with an example.
Pages: 6Exam 1 Study Guide: Includes summary of notes completed in class in question format; includes some examples. Introduction to Accounting and Financial Statements
Pages: 10Filled in lecture notes and examples
Pages: 6Filled in Class notes with one example worked out.
Pages: 4Filled in lecture notes. Two problems worked out.