1st Edition
ECON 2133: Principles of Macroeconomics
School: East Carolina University (ECU )
Pages: 2Timeline of monetary policy response to our macroeconomic events since 1960s accompanied by a few theories explained.
Pages: 10Make sure to look back in the notes, a comprehensive review of the study guide.
Pages: 3Last two fiscal policy- open market operations and interest on reserves. Discusses the federal fund rate and the federal reserve institutional structure
Pages: 2Expansionary fiscal policy explained including tools of fiscal policy and why expansionary polices are used during fiscal crises
Pages: 2An overview of the general functions of money and the behavior of money in terms of monetary supply, monetary base, and and monetary multiplier through the process of demand deposit expansion process.
Pages: 2In depth explanation of the Monetary base and how it is used to get monetary supply via the monetary multiplier.
Pages: 3Recap of Social Security issues regarding population growth, expands on issues we face with Medicare and Medicaid. Describes monetary policy and uses examples. Finally a brief explanation of the relationship between the Fed and the Treasury.
Pages: 2Discussion of the social safety net our country has and the feasibility of entitlement programs in the future, specifically medicare, social security, and medicaid. Explained the problems our social safety nets face as well and compares our population growth to others in Europe and Asia.
Pages: 2Start with history of deficit spending in this country then onto how taxation is different on a federal and state level. How spending is in general different on a federal to state level. Then ending lecture with difference of opinions on the negative and positive effects of borrowing money
Pages: 2This class centered around deficit and supluses, primarily on deficits and how they're created, how to pay them back, and examples of countries with large deficits
Pages: 3Go through list of all the determinants of inflation then the powers and sources of fiscal policy.
Pages: 4Moving on with part II of the course, we get an overview of fiscal policy and its importance to our macro economy.
Pages: 10Covered all materials from TEST 1 as well as Study Guide he gave us in class. Includes final lecture subjects as well!
Pages: 2The last part of the first lecture series before the first Exam. Heavy emphasis on Fisher Equation and Indexation
Pages: 4A break down of the differences between how State/ Local governments get and use funds versus how the federal government gets and uses funds. This segways into the classification and definition of various taxes. Brief overview of differences between Real and Nominal GDP.
Pages: 3Summary of the key points of Lecture 3, recap of Macro Economic Goals and definition of Business Cycle Economy along with Timeline of our BC Economy since 1900.