1st Edition
ECO 2030: Prin N-Price Theory
School: Appalachian State University (APPALACHIAN )
Pages: 3Measuring profit and why monopolies exist
Pages: 2Explores when a firm can maximize profit by shutting down and when they should exit the market all together
Pages: 2The different types of production costs and how they are used
Pages: 3Where government gets is revenue and what they spend it on as well as types of tax systems
Pages: 3How to calculate marginal tax rates and what public programs the government spends its revenue on.
Pages: 3How government can play a role in limiting the tragedy of the commons
Pages: 3The four types of goods and whether they are excludable, non rival or niether
Pages: 2Methods for internalizing negative externalities with corrective taxes, pollution permits and the coase theorem
Pages: 3The gains from international trade and the effects of tariffs
Pages: 3determining who gains and losses from international trade
Pages: 2How tax effects revenue, surplus and deadweight loss
Pages: 2Total surplus and how the price effects it as well as the importance of the equilibrium quantity and demand
Pages: 3measuring consumer and producer surplus and understanding welfare economics
Pages: 3how tariffs reduce total surplus and there effects on the economy
Pages: 3How the size of a tax effects deadweight losses and total revenue
Pages: 4reviewing how taxes effect both buyers and sellers and the variables that determine who pays the tax
Pages: 4More types of price elasticity with a summary of price elasticity and introduction to price ceilings and price floors