IUB TEL-T 192 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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Tel T 192 Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 10 Lecture 1 August 27th Miss Representation Documentary o Self objectification is a national thing that is taking place for women Lecture 2 August 29th Media influences us Sex vs Gender o Sex biological differences o Gender socially constructed conduct that is perceived acceptable by members of the same gender regardless of how one was born o It is a social construction Lecture 3 September 3rd Children in the Media o Children spend around 7 hours a day with the media o They are often persuaded more o They lack real world experiences and may see something that is fictional but may see it as reality o The point here is that kids media intake matters because they are more vulnerable Sex Role Stereotypes a set of portrayals of sex appropriate appearance interests skills behaviors and self perceptions Women in the media are symbolically annihilated because only idealized versions of women and women s lives are discussed shown o As a result Women are shown less often than men are Women are less often the protagonist Women are white thin young and beautiful Women are virginal yet know what to do in the bedroom Work life balance issues are rarely discussed The Scientific Perspective o Characteristics Systematic Replicable Made Public Goes through peer review processes o Content Analysis Describes messages Allows you to make comparisons Over time between groups to reality Advantages Systematic and replicable Unobtrusive don t have to recruit participants Easy to make comparisons Limitations No info about processes or effects o You can make guesses but have to prove those guesses in some other way o Surveys Describes characteristics of a population Examines relationships between variables Advantages Representative Naturalistic Limitations Can t establish causation Could have a 3rd variable playing a role Can only establish a relationship o Experiment Isolates effects of specific variables Establishes causality Usually have treatment and control group so you can see the differences and look at your variables Advantages Control Limitations Limited generalizability o It can be artificial due to labs and created areas Lecture 4 September 5th Gender Socialization the process by which children learn the norms and expectations for males and females in their cultures Several skills are required for learning about gender roles o Gender Identity about age 2 Can identify their gender by external appearances o Gender Stability about age 3 I m a little boy and when I grow up I ll be a daddy not a mommy Still not clear about gendered identities o Gender Constancy about age 5 Biological sex is constant and can t change Schemas a mental structure that represents some aspect of the world Lecture 5 September 10th Cultivation theory o Viewing television cultivates shared conceptions of reality among a diverse TV audience o Heavy viewers are more likely to have real world perceptions that are like the TV world This is opposite for lighter viewers o Cultivation theory assumes that Themes are pervasive present across all of television It is useful but not perfect Genres definitely matter Harrison Study 2003 Lecture 6 September 12th Eating disorders and body images are two separate and unique concepts The role of the media in these relationships is a complex process The media can t cause eating disorders They can and do influence body image Takes many years for an eating disorder to occur MEDIA EXPOSURE leads to INTERNALIZATION which leads to BODY DISSATISFACTION which leads to DISORDERED EATING Eating Disorders o Anorexia Nervosa Refusal to maintain a healthy body weight Must be 15 below normal weight for height to be clinically diagnosed Undereating and overexcercising o Bulimia Purging Consume way more than any normal person can digest Get rid of it or purge it by vomiting using laxatives or diuretics Must be binging 2 3 times a week for 6 months to be diagnosed o Haven t come up with an effective way to help cure it High mortality rate 20 o Anorexia takes place in 5 4 of population o Bulimia takes place in 1 4 of population o Most people aren t diagnosed and the ways of diagnosing it aren t working Lecture 7 September 17th Social Cognitive theory o Learn by watching models in our environment Modeling enhanced by rewards punishments Attractive models are ones who we would want to be in some way o Fouts Study Social Comparison Theory o Humans have an innate tendency to compare themselves with others in an effort to self evaluate o Comparisons aren t always equal o Can be upward or downward upward You perceive the other person to be better than you You feel bad about yourself We usually make these comparisons more downward You perceive the other person is worse off than you You feel better about yourself o Factors that enhance mitigate comparison process Women of color Not very many have anorexia or bulimia Need people like yourself in the media Race Age Lecture 8 September 19th The Pro Ana Community o Disseminate info about eating disorders with others o Focused on control of themselves and their diet o Usually women under 18 o Looking for emotional informational support etc o To them anorexia is a lifestyle not a disease They don t think anything is wrong o Characteristics Themes control strong perfection Pro ana often comes with aversion to recovery Ana anorexia Mia bulimia Very easy to meet other people that share the same struggles Reasons for Blogging o Social support o Self expression o Coping with stigma o Catharsis Drawbacks of Blogging o Fear of disclosure to friends and family o Social support o Encouraged eating disorders Lecture 9 September 24th Male Body Ideal o Young men are increasingly pressured to be muscular o Ideal body type is v shaped broad shoulders and large biceps narrow waist o How to achieve this ideal Anabolic steroid use is comparable to rates of anorexia and bulimia among adolescents Consequences of steroid use o Increased chance of prostate cancer o High blood pressure o Lack of fertility o Growth of breast tissue This body is easier to achieve than an ideal woman s but it is still hard to get Harrison and Bond 2007 o Looked at video game magazines Good to study because they had images from all sorts of games with this body image o Genre is popular with young boys o This was a survey and a longitudinal analysis o Questions Variables How often they read gaming magazines Questions pertaining to body dysmorphic practices How much time did

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