IUB TEL-T 192 - Boys Don't Play with Dolls
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TELT207 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Children in the Media II Stereotypes III The Reflection Hypothesis and Symbolic Annihilation IV The Scientific Perspective V The Scientific Process VI Generating Knowledge Outline of Current Lecture VII Gender Socialization VIII Developmental Skills Take Precedence So Socialization Takes Hold IX Children s Media Habits X Gender Differences in Exposure Current Lecture Gender Socialization the process by which children learn the norms and expectations for males and females in their cultures o Learned via gendered institutions Examples family workplace home the media etc Developmental skills take precedence so socialization takes hold o Several skills are required for learning about gender roles Gender Identity about age 2 Can identify their gender by external appearances Gender Stability about age 3 I m a little boy and when I grow up I ll be a daddy not a mommy Still not clear about gendered identities Gender Constancy about age 5 Biological sex is constant and can t change o Schemas a mental structure that represents some aspect of the world Example what is my schema for a chair We have gender schemas that develop right around when gender constancy occurs Develop from gendered institutions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o o o o o o Most schemas come from the media These are really important to a child s self concept Self esteem is aligned with gender schemas Children s Media Habits Media use Children are immersed in media Average US child spends 7 5 hours with the media Even infants spend almost 2 hours a day with the media The entire industry of baby education items aren t proven to be beneficial or teach infants anything Media Selection Similar up until the age of 6 then patterns of use vary dramatically after that Gender Differences in Exposure Television There is no difference but there is still a difference Example favorite characters There are reasons for boys and girls differences in who their favorite characters are These variations could be because of crushes heroes negative comments etc Movies Girls are watching more chick flicks Boys are seeking the action movies These preferences could either be a true liking or it could be based on what they are supposed to like as a boy or girl Music Girls tend to listen to more music than boys This is usually because the music expresses emotions New Media Guys usually spend more time with new media such as video games This is primarily because video games are not typically advertised or geared toward women and girls

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