Ch 6 Attitudes Part 2 Oct 7 2011 Stanford Prison Experiment cont How why did the experiment end Main Results from the SPE 1 2 3 Persuasion Attempt to change an attitude 2 routes Central route Focus on argument How does it work Peripheral route Focus on emotion or other cues besides argument How does it work What determines which route we use 1 Source of the persuasion Importance of credibility 2 main dimensions Exceptions based on self interest Importance of likeability 2 main dimensions Effect of personal involvement What is the sleeper effect 2 The Message Primary vs recency effect which has more evidence Depends on timing of decision Fear based messages do they work Need to induce certain conditions Positive emotions link to peripheral route Why Do subliminal messages work Words pictures not consciously perceived but supposedly influence attitudes or behaviors Distinction between subliminal perception subliminal persuasion Examples Greenwald s experiments Subliminal memory or self esteem messages Manipulation told of actual message or told of opposite message Results Contrast Greenwald s experiment w Murphy s subliminal experiment using Chinese characters Details Murphy s results Differences from Greenwald s experiment
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