TAMU BICH 410 - Enzymes
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F BICH 410 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture Lipids Outline of Current Lecture Enzymes o Enzymes catalyze thermodynamically favorable rxns provide cells with ability to have kinetic control over thermodynamic potential o Work via 1 Higher rxn rates 2 Milder rxn conditions 3 Greater rxn specifity 4 Capacity for regulation o Classes Oxidoreductase oxidation reduction referred to as reductases or dehydrogenases and involve NAD NADH Transferase transfer groups 3 Hydrolase used in hydrolysis rxns Lysase generates a double bond and used in elimination reactions often called synthase if run in reverse Isomerase structural change within molecule Ligase joining of substrates synthetases o Classified by common names systematic name and classification numbers o Cofactors often times metal ions o Coenzymers organic cofactors CoA NAD often times vitamins o Cosubstrates transiently attached o Prosthetic groups permanently associated o Regeneration coenzymes are chemically changed in rxn therefore regenerated via another enzyme for transiently bound cofactors regeneration via a separate phase of the same enzyme rxn for prosthetic groups o Kinetics timing o Catalysis structural changes occurring during rxn o Free energy concerns concentration intrinsic equilibrium Enzymes cant change equilibrium only accelerate rxn o Transition state diagram rxn coordinate diagram contains forward and reverse groups state a transition state and a free energy activation o Transition state is the rate determining step rate of rxn is proportional to e deltaG RT The greater the delta G the slower the rxn bc less molecules have sufficient energy therefore greater T faster rxn Enzymes lower transition state free energy o Enzymes lower activation barrier by same amount for forward and reverse rxn o Eyring eqn rate of the rxn to the activation energy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o deltaG RTln vh kT deltaG0 RTlnKeq Transition state diagrams are made via reaction rate Carbonic anhydrase enzyme for co2 h20 hco3 h

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TAMU BICH 410 - Enzymes

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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