BS 161 1st Edition Lecture 39 Outline of Last Lecture I Biotechnology Outline of Current Lecture II Biotechnology continued Current Lecture RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism main steps in finding a disease related gene in the human genome without previous knowledge of the gene find a large family with multiple affected members use DNA from this pedigree find a restriction fragment length polymorphism RFLP that always is present in the affected but not the normal individuals transgenic organisms fourth use of cloned DNA genetically engineer the cloned DNA for transgenic cells organisms or gene therapy transgene a recombinant DNA inserted into the genome used for research to study the gene in agricultural biotech to improve yield in biomedical applications to make a protein in gene therapy to correct mutations examples of transgenic gene therapy adding vitamin A to rice use gene therapy to treat x linked immune deficiency ex severe combined immunodeficiency SCID main steps of the strategy in human gene therapy clone normal functional gamma C gene into a retroviral vector transform patient s stem cells for lymphocytes with the transgenic retrovirus to make them transgenic stem cells renewable dividing cells which give rise to a differentiated cell and another stem cell precursors of T cells and other blood cells
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