TAMU ANSC 210 - Bryan K9 Officers
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ANSC 210 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Previous Lecture Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV Belgian Malinois What are they trained to do Selecting a Dog Patrol Cars Current Lecture I II Belgian Malinois a They are similar to German Shepherds b Less diseases that German Shepherds c Lighter than German Shepherds d German Malinois can jump over 6 foot fences in one bound i Usually need assistance when they are older e Very fast and powerful 32 mph on radar What are they trained to do a Tracking and tracing i When tracking the dog will lift his head up when he gets closer to the source of smell ii Usually they track the smell on the ground b Criminal evidence search i When someone runs and throws evidence ii The dog tries to smell something that smells different from the earth c Building search i House or buisness is broken into ii The dog is deployed first before the officers search the building iii The dog smells for a person does not know if it is a burglar or someone who is supposed to be there d Area search e Pursue and apprehend suspects i When suspects run ii Case law used to deploy the dogs is Gram vs Connor iii The dog has a command that if the suspect is compliant the dog lays down and barks at him iv If the suspect runs or fights the dog is allowed to bite These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute f III IV Narcotics searches i Trained to find 1 Heroin 2 Ecstasy 3 Meth 4 Crack cocaine 5 Crack 6 Marijuana ii Passive trained dogs iii They will sit or lay down when they find the order they are looking for Selecting a dog a Look for i Hunt drive ii Prey drive iii Work drive iv Fight drive v Courage test someone is in a bite suit they run but then turn around to fight the dog b When they are shipped from Germany they only know how to bite Patrol cars a Exiting the right side of the car means that the dog is about to engage in combat b Exiting the left side of the car means that that the dog is about to sniff drugs or a search

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TAMU ANSC 210 - Bryan K9 Officers

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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