GEOG 111 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Most missed questions from exam 2 II Controls on the ELR and convection III Forced lif a Orographic lifing b Frontal lif c Low level convergence d Upper level divergence Outline of Current Lecture I Clouds a Cloud types II Precipitation a Two processes i Bergeron Current Lecture I Clouds a Cloud attributes i Distinguished on basis of altitude pattern and ability to produce precipitation ii Height 1 Cirro high level always cold 2 Alto mid level iii Pattern 1 Cumulo vertically developed 2 Strato stratified confined to a single level layered iv Precipitation 1 Nimbo producing precipitation v Temperature 1 Warm clouds T 10 degrees C a Almost entirely made of liquid 2 Cold clouds T 10 degrees C a Ice in clouds b At 20 degrees C all ice b Cloud types i Cirrus high cold wispy ii Cirrocumulus high fine grained appearance bubble like clouds interwoven with blue sky These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute iii iv v vi vii viii ix x 1 Rising motion with cloud elements sinking motion surrounding cloud elements 2 Variations in vertical and horizontal air motions would make for a bumpy plane ride Cirrostratus high very thin instead of streaks it is covering the whole sky in a layered fashion 1 Ring like appearance around the sun 2 Mini rainbow diffraction of light sun dogs Contrails high trail of cloud consisting of liquid water 1 Condensation and largely deposition 2 Water vapor comes out and instantaneously turns to ice crystals 3 The relative humidity is close to 100 Altocumulus middle clouds warm similar to cirrocumulus just lower in the column Altostratus middle clouds warm thicker lower in atmosphere so block out sunlight more than cirrostratus 1 Ring around sun Stratus low level stratified effectively block out the sun 1 Can produce drizzle but not measurable Nimbostratus low thicker darker producing precipitation 1 Streaked appearance Stratocumulus low stratified not thick connected with a stable atmosphere air doesn t want to move vertically Cumulus low level unstable atmosphere air is lifing daytime heating when the relative humidity is high vertical development late morning hours in Carolina summer Cumulonimbus largest cloud dark bottom thunderstorm xi II Precipitation a Requires the development of droplets snowflakes that are 100 times bigger than cloud water droplets ice crystals b Most of the time clouds don t have precipitation c Two processes for growing hydrometeors scientific term for precipitation i Bergeron grows ice crystals through multiple processes involving all three states of water 1 Requires a cold cloud where ice crystals water vapor and super cooled water coexist 2 Processes a Deposition of vapor ice crystal growth b Freezing also occurs but deposition is the dominant process c Evaporation of cloud water vapors i RH 100 d So ice crystals grow at the expense of cloud water e Rising air motions keep growing snowflake alof until it becomes too heavy i Snowflake gets so heavy that it falls against the gradient melts and falls to Earth as rain or if the atmosphere is cold enough as snow
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