TEL T 205 1st Edition Lecture 10 The One With Highs Lows I What Are Audiences Looking For A High culture vs low culture 1 High Culture Has a uniformity amid variety a Lots of different pieces that do well on their own that also harmonize when combined 1 Quality acting cinematography score ect 2 Focus on the content rather than the user cognitive appreciation 3 Depth of appreciation can watch repeatedly and always get something new out of it 4 B Training on this Disconnect why are we not all consuming high culture content 1 High culture is not always popular 2 Oscar nominations versus box office movies a Nominations are not always the most popular movies people are seeing 3 Hard work to consume high culture content 4 Uses and Gratifications a Our use of media is predicted by the gratifications we are seeking b High culture requires more cognitive effort c Low culture is all about emotional reaction 1 The gratification we are generally seeking is about emotional reaction hence why we get a lot of low culture content C The necessary ingredients These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Role of conflict and identification with characters a Drama looking for suspense and we want a positive resolution in the end 1 Suspense needs 2 possible outcomes meaning there needs to be conflict with two people or groups we must strongly prefer one outcome over another preferred outcome should be unlikely a 2 story b Need suspension of disbelief Escapism chance to get away from our stress and get lost in the a Conflicts to assist in the next step reality b Connection of characters pulls us into the story Comedy 1 Hostile Humor comes at the expense of somebody which means there needs to be conflict 2 Need to connect with characters it s funny because they deserve it D 3 Can t empathize with victim if we think it sfunny 4 Cues to tell us it is okay to laugh The appeal of aversive content 1 Violence we are set up to be averse to violence a 1 phobia is blood and the dominant emotion when watching violence is disgust so why what b Enjoyment Violence takes away from our enjoyment 1 Automatically elicits negative reactions 2 Very salient and visible c When watch violence people focus mostly on the violent actions d Decreases the attention to other aspects of show or movie e Selective Exposure violence increases our interest in the show people choose to watch violent shows but enjoy non violent shows more f Violence replicates conflict and Action people believe it is more suspenseful and we are attracted to suspense 2 Horror fear is extremely aversive human nature we seek to avoid it a Fear is arousing which can be desired b Terror Management 1 When experiencing anxiety that is out of our control when the economy is bad terror risk is high horror films do better 2 c Use horror to fulfill certain gender role expectations 1 3 Horror is used to manage anxiety to gain some control Horror tends to be a group activity Sad Entertainment tragedy a We want an opportunity to reflect upon our own sad moods or compare ourselves to others to elevate our moods Mood Management b Different type of enjoyment appreciation or elevation 1 Positive take on the human situation or relationships 2 Gives us a chance to consider the good embodiments of a human E Outcomes of entertainment content patterns 1 There are predictable ways of certain content patterns and representations 2 Can lead to effects resulting from consuming the same patterns
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