IPHY 2420 1nd Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture October 8 2014 I Nopal Cactus Rembrandt II Duchamp The Bottlerack III The Readymade IV The First Independent s Exhibition of ART V Duchamp The Bride Stripped by her Bachelors VI Index VII Automatic vs Autographic Paintings VIII TOPHAT QUESTIONS Outline of Current Lecture October 10 2014 I Greenberg II Steinberg Current Lecture I Greenberg Relationships between different studies borrowing from other sources Art is a whole value system and valuable in its own right art is autonomous Greenberg is whom the post modern disagrees with Each art domain has its own tools and values to be borrowed from literature and art Art strives to achieve its own PURITY or spirit art and literature are trying to purify themselves in there own terms and in themselves Purification from flatness of painting modernist should bring life and depth and texture One to one ratio of art and the viewer the eye and sight have a different type of experience than touch or smell This experience is intelligent and not physical 3 Main Themes for Greenberg 1 Autonomy of Medium Specify Purify specific quality and value of the art piece These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II 2 Orientation with the Viewer One to One ratio experience between viewer and the painting 3 Depth Figurative or literal travel of intellectual thought through the eye Steinberg Direct response to Greenberg IT IS NOT ABOUT PURITY Terms that Greenberg was using no longer fits into art The orientation with viewer is no longer about the viewer instead the painting is holding the power and putting the viewer in a position Instead of vertical experience it is horizontal this relates to INDEX Index When something leaves a lasting impact or impression on art physical altercation relationship based on impact and impression Not based on representation or symbols No law against painting a rug on the wall
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