TAMU ANSC 210 - Dog and Cat Nutrition
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ANSC 210 1stEdition Lecture 12 Outline of Previous Lecture I II III IV V VI VII History of the Iditarod Susan Butcher Alaskan Husky Iditarod Vets Mushing Sled Essentials Jeff King Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V Dog and Cat Nutrition Puppies and Kittens Digestion Adult Dogs Choosing Food Current Lecture I II Dog and Cat Nutrition a Fastest growing science b You are what you eat c Necessary nutrients i Water ii Carbohydrates iii Fats iv Proteins v Vitamins vi Minerals Puppies and Kittens a Dog milk i Very dense ii High in fat and protein iii Low in lactose b Cow milk i Watery ii Low in fat and protein These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V iii High in lactose c Puppies need to double in weight in 8 days d Solid food in puppies i Feed to optimize growth ii Minimize potential bone problems from growing too fast iii Used to feed mature dog food for large breed puppies Digestion a Mechanical microbial and chemical b Degrades into the smallest particles c Cats only have a few molars they don t grind i They grab meat and swallow it d Dogs have many molars i They chew their food before they eat it e Pancreas i Lays against the stomach and small intestine ii Secrete proteases lipases and insulin f Liver i Stores and clears nutrients and toxins ii Gall bladder secretes bile salts into small intestine iii Bile salts imulsify lipids fats g Small intestine i Absorbs amino acids and fatty acids h Large intestine i Reabsorbs water and salts Adult dogs a High vs low prices i Components determine the prices ii Higher prices have the same ingredients each time iii Cheaper prices have different ingredients depending on what is cheaper at the time b Body conditioning is on a scale of 1 5 i 1 is emaciated ii 5 is obese c Dry dog food is usually 10 water d Wet dog food is usually 75 water e Each dog has different preferences f Dog foods are tested based on i Palatability which one tastes better ii Acceptability will my dog eat enough of this to maintain his her weight g Food must be labeled complete and balances Choosing pet food a Best to choose an intermediate priced product b Beef dog food has at least 95 beef c Beef dinner formula nuggets at least 25 beef d Beef flavor may not have any beef at all

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TAMU ANSC 210 - Dog and Cat Nutrition

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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